Kees' photos

Icking near Holzen

16 Mar 2008 3 7 914
One beautiful day last week, I took my camera to work. Surprisingly it wasn’t stolen, so I had the opportunity to dismount on my way home and shoot some pictures. The mountains are basically the same as always, but not seen from the usual balcony perspective. The sun stood low, and the light was beautiful.

Duct Cleaning

11 Mar 2008 5 400
RR, the well-known initials of Rolls-Ro... of Rohr-Royal, of course. I liked the “kommen -sehen - lösen” ( to come - to see - to solve ), echoing Julius Caesar’s famous “Veni, vidi, vi... solvi”. It has been a good year, so far. Having to work 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, the plumbers just had their day off, on February 29th.


23 Feb 2008 3 7 405
Just to finish what I have started... One of these tulips: a week later, and only hours before they collectively disappeared from our table.

München - St. Lukas 1

20 Feb 2008 1 611
St. Lukas is a Neoromanogothic church, in an eclectic style very popular in the second half of the 19th C. I drive by every day, and spent my break time once for taking a closer look. It’s a monumental Protestant church, but it differs from other Protestant churches by being accessible also when there are no services. Watch the rosette on the right: it will return several times in the series.

München - St. Lukas 2

20 Feb 2008 1 3 623
The same rosette reflected in a shiny Bentley. I know it’s a VW really, but still I kind of like the Bentley. I’m under the impression that the make is gaining popularity. Under the wiper is a ticket for false parking; fines are inexpensive and don’t hurt much, least of all Bentley owners.

München - St. Lukas 3

20 Feb 2008 1 529
Normally, the road in front of the church is full of traffic (many cars and one scooter). The traffic lights allowed for an undisturbed view.

München - St. Lukas 4

20 Feb 2008 431
As I’ve already said: the church is accessible.

München - St. Lukas 5

20 Feb 2008 1 503
The entrance hall.

München - St. Lukas 6

21 Feb 2008 1 419
I may be wrong, but I suspect these people were sun-bathing rather than praying.

München - St. Lukas 7

München - St. Lukas 8

München - St. Lukas 9

München - St. Lukas 10

21 Feb 2008 2 2 610
The rosette again, with the contours of the organ in front of it.

München - St. Lukas 11

21 Feb 2008 1 1 425
The organ is often used for concerts: the audience can actually watch the organist playing.

München - St. Lukas 12

20 Feb 2008 1 582
Elaborate woodwork.

München - Da Silvestro

20 Feb 2008 3 341
One of many Italian restaurants in Munich. I pass by often, but was never in there. “I love the world”... it seems unnatural to me. Nevertheless, the man makes a point by showing all Champions League soccer matches in PayTV.

Munich - Video Art

21 Feb 2008 5 474
A subway under the inner city ring road in Munich. The big window shows a video installation –a camera gliding over an audience– and the reflection of the stairs/escalator facing the one on the right . There are traffic lights, so there’s no real need to go underground for crossing the street, and few do. Lighting is dim and uninviting. Another reason why this subway museum isn’t frequented is the escalators being out of order. “Art in the Public Area” can only be viewed by people still able to walk stairs.

Munich - Subway

21 Feb 2008 1 3 751
The subway under the Munich city ring, again. In part, the escalators have been transformed to etageres for plants. I wonder if they are part of the artistic concept.

1093 items in total