tiabunna's photos

15 May 2013

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538 visits

Martians have landed!

Macro of passionfruit flower.

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03 May 2013

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691 visits

Oh .... really? Who says so?

Eastern Grey kangaroos and abandoned railway.

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03 May 2013

433 visits

Through the Poplars

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05 May 2013

398 visits

19:100 Strangers - The Man on Vocals

(Suggest view on black - press 'L') As we set up the food stall, a band were setting themselves up nearby. Well, there are “bands” and “Bands”: I'm very pleased to report that this group was good. So I took some shots of them playing then later managed to catch up with their Co-Leader, “Just call me CC Hall”. CC told me that the band is called “The Bridge Between” and they specialise in “Blues roots”. They are based in Canberra where they are well known and also have done some touring, sometimes also as a supporting group for overseas entertainers. They also have released a recent album ”Hope Street” . I have since done a quick internet search and find they have a website www.thebridgebetween.com.au where you can read more about them and purchase their album. CC very obligingly posed for a portrait for me (second photo), though I think the “action” portrait of him with the microphone is more relevant. I also have included another shot of the band. Thank you for your time and cooperation CC, I hope that you and the group go on to international fame (and that you will make me your official photographer when you do :) ). The main technical consideration here was the extreme contrast of the band wearing dark clothing in the shade and the bright outside sunshine (see 3rd shot): working in RAW helped. This picture is 19 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

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05 May 2013

386 visits

17:100 Strangers - Unexpected Technical Difficulty

Jeremy was working on the Information Stall at the Michelago May Fair and, with his bright yellow Rural Fire Service outfit was an instant and obvious choice for a portrait shot. He told me he has been a member of the nearby Colinton Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade since 2002. He was very interested in the “100 Strangers” project and entirely willing to be a subject. And that was where the problem began, when I took the portrait shot you see here under the bright orange marquee, then tried for a wider shot of him in his “yellows”. Because my camera usually has very good auto white balance, I use that as my default setting. But the combination of orange/yellow clothing, an orange tent over the top and a purple tent in the background was obviously too extreme for the system and led to some very unlikely (over-blue) results. At that stage, Jeremy had several people waiting for his time and I was called away, so I agreed to chat with him again later. Several hours later we again caught up and I found that not only is he also a keen photographer himself but that he also is a self-employed graphic designer. Just my luck, when I demonstrate my errors in front of a subject, that they should turn out to be an expert! Anyway, we had another crack at the full length shot and again found a very blue cast: but I was shooting in RAW, so correcting the colour balance was not too difficult and gave the second shot. It was a useful lesson for me on unexpected colour casts. I greatly appreciate your patience with these shots Jeremy, and hope you approve of the results. This picture is 17 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

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05 May 2013

484 visits

15:100 Strangers - Oyez! Oyez!

It must be said that, in Australia at least, there are few job vacancies for Town Criers. But about two years ago, Alan found himself cast in that role. And I'd say it's one he thoroughly relishes. After seeing the position advertised he went for auditions and was an instant hit. So he was appointed by the Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory as the official ACT Town Crier. He is a member of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Australian Town Criers and also of the Australian Society for Creative Anachronism. Being probably the only Town Crier in the region, Alan told me that he is in demand most weekends for community events, not only in the ACT but also in neighbouring towns and villages such as Braidwood and Michelago, where I found him at the May Fair. For a fee, he also provides his services at weddings. It was great seeing you and work and meeting you Alan, thank you for your time and I hope you like the photos. This picture is 15 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at the 100 Strangers Flickr Group page

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01 May 2013

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500 visits

What a haircut!

I'm fairly confident that this is the caterpillar of a moth: with less confidence it's from the Arctiidae family.

26 Apr 2013

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557 visits

Yes kids, once there was no GPS!

21 Jun 1968

425 visits

Macquarie Island 1968: Cinders has the Slipper

From an old slide. Midwinter is the year's major event in the Antarctic regions: there are suitable celebrations and, in most years at the Australian stations, a performance of a rather bawdy rhyming version of Cinderella. Here Cinderella tries on the 'magic slipper' while one of the ugly sisters watches in horror, saying "...Strike me pink the slipper fits Now wouldn't that give you the s###s"
2610 photos in total