tiabunna's photos

21 Oct 2023

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144 visits

Styrofoam escapee

For Macro Mondays group 23/10//2023, topic #332. "Styrofoam." There is a building project nearby. Styrofoam is among the materials being used and some pieces 'escape' to the street. This was one such (about 25 mm long) which I found on my morning walk. Looks best viewed large. I'm now heading away for a short trip, best wishes everyone.

19 Oct 2023

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165 visits

Visiting Rosella

One of the local Crimson Rosellas visiting for a snack of seeds from a recycled dog feeding bowl. Taken with the old Vivitar Series 1 "all manual" zoom lens.

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20 May 2023

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106 visits

Ilfracombe Post Office

Across the road from the "Machinery Mile" roadside museum in my previous images.

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20 May 2023

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226 visits

Ilfracombe Machinery Mile

Ilfracombe is a 'blink and you will miss it' village with the main road passing through. To add interest and give travellers a reason to stop, they have this roadside museum of old equipment. ADDITION: I've just done some homework I should have done earlier, it's called the Machinery Mile. Yes, there are some fences. So, although the world doesn't seem that way, I wish everyone a Happy Fence Friday and a peaceful weekend.

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20 May 2023

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196 visits

Weather office

This would have been the Longreach weatther office. Like most such field offices I'm fairly sure it now is deserted and automated, though the Dines Anemometer still is there at right. In the foreground (that dish mounted on a turret) an old WF2 wind-finding radar, as I used to operate long ago. It's now very much a museum piece. Behind, to the left, is the current Longreach weather radar, you can see its current output here. Footnote: If you'd like to see the current Longreach weather, click the little box at lower right in the "map features" section of the radar page. The red number is temperature, blue is wind speed. Reposted to wish everyone a HFF and a great weekend.

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20 May 2023

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163 visits

QANTAS Founders Museum

The Australian airline QANTAS (short for Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services) operated its first flight in 1920 from its original base at Longreach Airport. Today that airport houses the QANTAS Founders Museum and a range of aircraft it once operated. See also the PiP. Again, time and travel prevented a stop, but there is a rather large wall. Happy Wednesday Wall, everyone.

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20 May 2023

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123 visits

Longreach railway station

Taken looking into the sun through a rather dirty car window. :-) Unfortuntely we were short of time, so stopping wasn't an option.

14 Oct 2023

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121 visits

Chocolate chip macro

For Macro Mondays group 16/10//2023, topic #331. "Biscuit." Sorry to say, my subject here lasted only until the next cup of coffee. :-)

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20 May 2023

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107 visits

Roadside picnic area

This roadside picnic area was just outside Longreach. Short stops ok, but don't camp there! By way of explanation, many retirees here become "Grey Nomads". This involves buying large caravans, then travelling around the country and staying wherever there are facilities. For now, all we need are benches for a quick Monday visit, so Happy Bench Monday everyone and have a good week.
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