Ron's Log's photos

Air Force One (6871)

24 Jan 2008 1037
Down below are the gift shops.

Air Force One (6870)

Air Force One (6867)

24 Jan 2008 550
The building is supposed to be able to withstand a 9.0 earthquake, but I imagine that means the outer structure and the pedestals supporting the plane, not the window or these suspended walkways.

Air Force One (6866)

Air Force One (6865)

Air Force One (6864)

Air Force One (6863)

Air Force One (6862)

Air Force One (6861)

Air Force One (6860)

Air Force One (6857)

Air Force One (6854)

Air Force One (6853)

Air Force One (6852)

Air Force One (6851A)

24 Jan 2008 571
I'm reflected in the side of the plane.

Air Force One (6851)

Air Force One (6850)

Air Force One (6849)

24 Jan 2008 1076
That's our leader, Scott.

47826 items in total