Ron's Log's photos

Pasadena (0010)

Cocktail Rock (0011)

Johnny at Bombay Beach (0003)

Homo at Bombay Beach (0005)

Bombay Beach (0009)

01 Oct 2008 731
The usual dead tilapia.

Bombay Beach (0008)

Bombay Beach (0007)

Bombay Beach (0006)

Bombay Beach (0004)

Bombay Beach (0002)

Bombay Beach (0001)

Costco Shelter Price Cut

03 Oct 2008 1888
Usually $200, the price of these canopies, so very useful at Burning Man , have been cut to $130 at Costco.

DHS Downtown Plan (1620)

01 Oct 2008 619
The big size might be easier to read.

Dumont Dunes (1618)

Dumont Dunes (1617)

Dumont Dunes (1616)

Dumont Dunes (1615)

Dumont Dunes (1614)

47826 items in total