Caramello Travel Success


Scans from some of the photographs taken during a short stay in Cyprus during Spring 1996.
Camera was a "point and shoot" 35mm Yashica D90
All scanned from film negatives processed and cropped to suit using PSP, PSE12, Nik etc.

24 Mar 1996

212 visits

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus 1996 Film, scanned negative, Epson 1240U

24 Mar 1996

1 favorite

205 visits

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus 1996 Film, scanned negative, Epson 1240U

24 Mar 1996

2 favorites


212 visits

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus 1996 Film, scanned negative, Epson 1240U

24 Mar 1996

2 favorites


246 visits

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus 1996 Film, scanned negative, Epson 1240U

24 Mar 1996

2 favorites

220 visits

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos

Tombs of the Kings, Paphos, Cyprus 1996 Film, scanned negative, Epson 1240U

23 Mar 1996

1 favorite

218 visits

Image71ba Roman mosaics, Curium, Cyprus

Roman mosaics in the house of Eustolios, Curium, Cyprus 1996

23 Mar 1996

1 favorite

178 visits

Cyprus - Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates

Cyprus - Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates Film, negative scan

23 Mar 1996

1 favorite

265 visits

Image74ba Roman mosaics, Curium, Cyprus

Roman mosaics in the house of Eustolios, Curium, Cyprus 1996

23 Mar 1996

2 favorites


189 visits

Cyprus - Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates

Cyprus - Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates Film, negative scan
25 items in total