Shepherd's hut at Singleton

Weald and Downland Museum Singleton

The Weald and Downland Museum in Singleton, Sussex is a conservation museum collection of relocated traditional buildings in a rural landscape that tell the story of the men, women and children who lived and worked in them over a 600-year period.

12 Jun 2007

3 favorites

409 visits

Pendean Farmhouse - Singleton Weald and Downland Museum

Pendean Farmhouse from Midhurst, Sussex. A timber-framed house built in 1609 Singleton Weald and Downland Museum 2007

12 Jun 2007

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193 visits

Bayleaf Hall House - Singleton Weald and Downland Museum

Bayleaf is a timber-framed hall-house dating mainly from the early 15th century. The central hall, heated by an open fire, is flanked at one end by service rooms and at the other by rooms for the owner and his family. With replica furniture and equipment, the farmstead is presented as it might have been in about 1540. Singleton Weald and Downland Museum 2007 (Information from the museum website)

12 Jun 2007


187 visits

Detail of a rustic roof structure - Weald and Downland Museum

Detail of a rustic roof structure in the Medieval cottage from Hangleton in Suffolk. Singleton Weald and Downland Museum 2007

12 Jun 2007

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436 visits

Wattle and daub - Weald and Downland Museum

Wattle and daub - exposed example of the structure of traditional wattle and daub infill to timber frame walling. Singleton Weald and Downland Museum 2007

12 Jun 2007

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273 visits

Shire horse - Singleton Weald and Downland Museum

Shire horse - Singleton Weald and Downland Museum 2007

12 Jun 2007


276 visits

Blacksmith's Shop - Weald and Downland Museum - Singleton

The Blacksmith's Shop at the Weald and Downland Museum, Singleton, Sussex I often wonder about family links; a number of family ancestors were farmers and blacksmiths in various villages around the Sussex areas back in the 1700-1800s.

12 Jun 2007

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237 visits

At work at the forge - Weald and Downland Museum

Blacksmith's at work at the forge - Blacksmith's Shop Weald and Downland Museum - Singleton, Sussex

12 Jun 2007

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273 visits

At work at the anvil - Weald and Downland Museum

Blacksmith's at work at the anvil - Blacksmith's Shop Weald and Downland Museum - Singleton, Sussex
26 items in total