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To Bishopstone and back 2.8.2021

Folder: The natural world
Joining ipernity groups can lead to a sort of obsessive mania for snapping away for photos to contribute to the groups. This walk through the fields between East Blatchington, where I live and Bishopstone, the picturesque village over the hill, and back along the main Sussex coastal road, the A259, has provided material for two new groups. One focusses on grasses, sedges, reeds etc. and the other …  (read more)

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01 leaving town

02 oats before barley

03 Oats so high

04 Oats so elegant

05 Poppies through the barley field

06 Badly behaved barley

07 Grain or grass

08 Captive oats

09 Barley, barley, barley

10 Young oats on the path

11 The path to Bishopstone

12 Grass seeds

13 Wired grass

14 Wheel tracks in the barley

15 Beautiful bearded barley

16 Mixed grains

17 Barley bars the way

45 items in total