249 Grapevine Epimenis Moth on Bradford Pear blossom

Butterflies and Moths

I messed this album up too by accidently deleting. I have lost comments.. I have tried to reload the photos though

Monarch Saturday ! ~ Monarch butterfly (Danaus ple…

10 Oct 2015 22 15 706
There were 16 beautiful Monarchs in prime condition migration through here today. Many stopped and fed all day and 6 were feeding right till dusk. They will have roosted close-by . It never less than pure joy to see these butterflies. I took around 150 photos and some video !

Monarch Saturday ! ~ Monarch butterfly (Danaus ple…

10 Oct 2015 51 50 1036
There were 16 beautiful Monarchs in prime condition migration through here today. Many stopped and fed all day and 6 were feeding right till dusk. They will have roosted close-by . It never less than pure joy to see these butterflies. I took around 150 photos and some video ! EXPLORED !

Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)11-10-2015

11 Oct 2015 65 105 1301
In the evening sunlight.... she just took my breath away....... We hear of the 'bad' in this world ...... ........ and forget there is so much more GOOD and BEAUTY EXPLORED !

Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia) & 2 Hone…

13 Oct 2015 50 66 915
I have only seen a Variegated Fritillary here once in four years (I get lots of Gulf Fritillary's) . Now this past 4 days...I am seeing at least one everyday ! I am delighted ! I have not seen many Bees at all in the past 2 Summers (which is worrying).... and now suddenly this past 3 weeks... Honey Bees everywhere. JOY !! The Cucumber Beetles... well.... they are always bumbling around ! EXPLORED !

Three Cloudless Sulphur's(Phoebis sennae) and Cuc…

15 Oct 2015 49 62 875
Happiness is Nectar Banquet !

Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)21-10-2015

21 Oct 2015 26 31 822
Hope you love these as much as I do ! I am still getting one or two come through. Very soon they will be gone from here. The front runners are now approaching their migration ends in Mexico. The Incredible Journey

Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)21-10-2015

21 Oct 2015 53 70 1164
Hope you love these as much as I do ! I am still getting one or two come through. Very soon they will be gone from here. The front runners are now approaching their migration ends in Mexico. The Incredible Journey EXPLORED !

Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae) on Spanish Fla…

02 Nov 2015 61 78 1063
The Sulphur butterflies are still here with just a very few others now. This morning the light was just magical. EXPLORED !

Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae) on Morning Glo…

06 Nov 2015 33 28 730
These are all survivors.. the Morning Glory..... of 100 plants I grew from seed.. just this one finally made if after I lost so much to the Deluges . The Coral Honeysuckle ... finished ages ago.. but this week... it put up two flowers up high. The butterflies.. the Sulphur's are still here... all these will go with the overdue frost. The Morning Glory and the Honeysuckle are about 4 feet above my head ! Considering that yesterday we had severe thunderstorms and were under Tornado Watch.. the blue sky and russet Black Jack Oak leaves are the bonus !

Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae) on Coral Honey…

06 Nov 2015 75 75 1043
These are all survivors.. the Morning Glory..... of 100 plants I grew from seed.. just this one finally made if after I lost so much to the Deluges . The Coral Honeysuckle ... finished ages ago.. but this week... it put up two flowers up high. The butterflies.. the Sulphur's are still here... all these will go with the overdue frost. The Morning Glory and the Honeysuckle are about 4 feet above my head ! Considering that yesterday we had severe thunderstorms and were under Tornado Watch.. the blue sky and russet Black Jack Oak leaves are the bonus ! EXPLORED !

Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae) & Sachem Skipp…

07 Nov 2015 47 60 918
Yesterday we had very high winds.. and a tree down.. a fence smashed. Today.. calm and sunny and I rebuilt the fence and cut up the tree. I am sore and tired ! The Butterflies and Skippers are all but gone... the frosts are late. Now hanging on to the last shreds of life and colour before Winter comes

Fiery Skipper (Hylephila phyleus) on a Zinnia~Surv…

14 Nov 2015 65 77 984
And now... there are none........ till Spring comes ! EXPLORED !

Cloudless Sulphur (Phoebis sennae)~Todays Surpris…

19 Nov 2015 61 97 1105
Just one... and looking for the last few flowers that missed the frost. Yellow Happiness ! The wings were almost perfect.. just one tiny ragged edge on the side you cant see in the pic ! EXPLORED !

Viceroy butterfly (Limenitis archippus)1st May 201…

Eastern Tailed-Blue (Everes comyntas) on False Su…

19 Jun 2016 75 141 1371
Tiny little butterflies with the males being a glorious blue when they open their wings. They are hyperactive and rarely sit still long at the start of the season. The False Sunflowers are just beginning to bloom. EXPLORED !

Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

08 Jul 2016 85 123 1034
Finally the butterflies are beginning to show. Today a Common Buckeye and a Pipevine Swallowtail and a Gulf Fritillary and an American Lady EXPLORED !

Spicebush Swallowtail (Papilio troilus)

10 Jul 2016 85 96 1246
Little Dancer EXPLORED !

Little Yellow (Pyrisitia lisa)

21 Jul 2016 80 126 1247
It finally sat still for a moment ! EXPLORED !

287 items in total