Entebbe Airport Guest House

Uganda, 2013

A break from South Sudan for me, a holiday for Angharad, and a chance for us both to spend some time together, right down by the Equator! Uganda is wonderful. Go and meet it. Couldn't recommend it more highly.


28 Apr 2013 136
Something I'd not considered until I got there is what a good environment they can create in the country where the animals actually come from! All the plants and passing birds are authentic! :)

Time to contemplate health & safety...

28 Apr 2013 156
...and how it relates to crocodiles...

Bird watching


28 Apr 2013 168
Note the mis-spelled word that's already on a corrective sticker...

Message on the wire

28 Apr 2013 142
Gorgeous black-and-white kingfishers

Mixed wildlife enclosures

Will my head fit in this sand?

Weaver bird

Child-eating shoebill

Cold, dead eyes...

Just the local pizza joint

28 Apr 2013 174
Yup, actually, literally on the shore of Lake Victoria.

Urban grazing I

28 Apr 2013 130
By the road to the guest house.

Urban grazing II

28 Apr 2013 139
By the road to the guest house.

And reeeelaaaaaaxxxxxx

28 Apr 2013 176
What a contrast to my safari tent in South Sudan, where by this point I'd been living for three months!


28 Apr 2013 163
This is the face of much needed relaxation.

Lazing on a sunny afternoon

30 Apr 2013 156
This is in Entebbe's great Botanical Gardens.

Park life

98 items in total