Groyne.....Long Exposure

Landscape,Seascape, General Scenery

Kilt Rock and the Mealt waterfall

25 Feb 2014 12 15 497
I don't do heights very well and had to lean over a fence to get this shot (around 200 feet up) - so it was a very quick snap!!

Double waterfall - Mono version

24 Feb 2014 6 3 380
The shot I got........once Dave moved out of the way lol!

Mountains and Clouds.........

23 Feb 2014 12 7 439
...........on the Isle of Skye. Sorry to keep posting shots from here, but I took a fair few and, to be honest, I haven't been out and about much since. Work and life keeps getting in the way!!

The view from the balcony............

23 Feb 2014 2 3 371
...........of the cottage we stayed in on the Isle of Skye.

Approaching squall

27 Apr 2014 4 6 352
One from my recent visit to Exmouth, and pretty typical of the weather we had. This is the view from near Orcombe Point, looking out to sea over Exmouth Beach. Please view large, on black.

Enjoying the view

14 May 2014 1 5 301
Spotted this gent just soaking up the sunshine on the top of Portsdown Hill.

A field full of buttercups

14 May 2014 11 6 376
Taken just off the main road between Havant and Langstone Harbour.

Orcombe Point and Geoneedle, Exmouth

27 Apr 2014 8 3 405
The Geoneedle is constructed from a variety of different stones, representing both the major building stones to be found on the Jurassic Coast and the sequence of rocks that form this part of the coastline.

The Old Mill, Langstone Harbour

29 May 2014 8 4 391
Taken this afternoon, after the rain. Please view large, on black.


29 May 2014 2 4 261
Taken in the Hampshire countryside near Walberton this afternoon, just as it was starting to brighten up a little after the rain.

The Old Mill & The Royal Oak, Langstone Harbour

29 May 2014 5 3 319
Another shot from one of my favourite places........ Please view large, on black.

Bognor Regis with the Nikon 1 V1

09 Jun 2014 1 4 386
I don't often go to Bognor Regis - in fact I actively try not to - but today I was talked into it. After having spent half an hour or so in the local camera shop and decided I didn't really need another camera bag, I left the Boss "doing" the shops and had a wander along the sea front. Not much happening to be honest, but I thought I'd share these photos. No need to look at them all unless you really want to - I know 17 is a lot to post all at once - but I thought I'd get it over with!

Bognor Regis with the Nikon 1 V1

09 Jun 2014 1 4 302
I don't often go to Bognor Regis - in fact I actively try not to - but today I was talked into it. After having spent half an hour or so in the local camera shop and decided I didn't really need another camera bag, I left the Boss "doing" the shops and had a wander along the sea front. Not much happening to be honest, but I thought I'd share these photos. No need to look at them all unless you really want to - I know 17 is a lot to post all at once - but I thought I'd get it over with!

Langstone Harbour (HFF)

29 May 2014 3 4 344
A view towards Langstone Village. The Royal Oak and the Old Mill are just out of shot on the right hand side (as you look at it). If you look carefully there is a small picket fence towards the middle of the may I say Happy Fence Friday and unless you are working (like me) have a great weekend.

After the rain

29 May 2014 6 2 297
Can't remember exactly where this is, (somewhere in deepest, darkest Hampshire), just that I liked the way the road looked after the rain stopped, and the freshness of the roadside greenery!

Private - Keep Off

07 Aug 2014 10 13 395
Nearly everyone who visits Dell Quay with a camera takes a photograph of this wreck. I am no exception - can't resist it! Have hardly taken any photos this past couple of weeks - busy with work, gardening and other stuff. Just had two days off, but now back to work tomorrow for a week of early shifts. I'll catch up with everyone soon.

Private - Keep Off

07 Aug 2014 15 17 397
Black and White version of yesterdays posting :)

Chichester Canal

07 Aug 2014 11 11 414
.......taken from the bridge over the canal at Hunston. Chichester Cathedral in the distance. It was from this point that John Turner painted his picture of Chichester Canal in 1829. He didn't have to clone out any overhead wires though!

1059 items in total