Narrowboat dog



30 Jan 2012 198
Actually there are 3 Alberts who live in a dray in my garden and I can't tell them apart. They spend ages sorting out the sunflower seeds from amongst the mixed seed we put out for the birds.


15 Jan 2012 134
The new addition to my Sister's family.

White horse

10 Oct 2011 206
There are a couple of these to be found grazing in a field just past the Old Mill Pond at Langstone Harbour. They always look so contented.

Wet dog 2

Money can't buy you love..............

11 Sep 2011 158
............but Jaffa Cakes can!!!!


11 Sep 2011 1 155
Taken in the New Forest Wildlife Park

Otter eating lunch

11 Sep 2011 1 153
Taken in the New Forest Wildlife Park

A trio of Otters

11 Sep 2011 1 117
Taken in the New Forest Wildlife Park

Otter on log

11 Sep 2011 2 128
Taken in the New Forest Wildlife Park


11 Sep 2011 2 2 119
Taken in the New Forest Wildlife Park

West Wittering - Dog Walking

The Pig's Tail

20 May 2011 159
“The Pig’s Tail” by Norman Ault A furry coat has the bear to wear, the tortoise a coat of mail, the yak has more than his share of hair, but the pig has a curly tail. The elephant’s tusks are sold of gold, the slug leaves a silver trail, the parrot is never too old to scold, but the pig has a curly tail. The lion can either roar or snore, the cow gives milk in a pail, the dog can guard a door and more, but the pig has a curly tail. For the rest of the beasts that prey from the tiny mouse to the whale, there’s much more that I could say today, but the pig has a curly tail.

Pig attack!!!

20 May 2011 151
They thought I had come to feed them......


17 May 2011 1 158
Not much chance for photography what with work and other stuff. Managed to grab a few shots of the little bugger who's been raiding my bird feeders!

British Wildlife Centre

20 Mar 2011 130
Otter and lunch

British Wildlife Centre

British Wildlife Centre

20 Mar 2011 133
Red Squirrel

389 items in total