Narrowboat dog


Pug Life

26 Oct 2022 23 35 108
Meet Bailey, who is my daughter's Pug. He's sitting at the top of the stairs leading to her flat looking down at me hopefully on the off chance I had any dog treats left in my pocket from our walk. I did, but I had to wait until my daughter wasn't looking or I'd get told off for spoiling him :-))


04 Feb 2023 14 22 65
Spotted yesterday, during a walk around the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Arundel, West Sussex. I was hoping to see a water vole, but no such luck. Best viewed large..........thanks for looking.


10 Feb 2023 23 30 109
This lovely horse lives in a field adjacent to the Mill Pond and seafront at Langstone Harbour. Best viewed large............thanks for looking. Thanks to everyone who has visited my photo-stream over the past week or so, especially those who have left a comment and/or a star. Very much appreciated.

Grey Squirrel

28 Jun 2023 28 37 101
Taken in my garden. This lovely squirrel is a regular visitor and can often be seen checking out the bird food table and feeders to see if there are any left-overs!


12 Jul 2023 22 34 100
Taken during a recent visit to the Hayling Island Donkey Sanctuary,. It is a small local charity with around 27 donkeys, run by volunteers and funded by donations. They have regular open days and we try and go a couple of times each summer. We also sponsor a donkey each year, as a Christmas present for a family friend. The open days are free to attend, but a donation is asked for (only if you can afford it).........we generally donate bags of apples and carrots and the odd bale of hay and they love ginger biscuits :-)). They also do lovely coffee and cake in their small cafe..........wha's not to like? I took far too many shots to publish here, but there are three more in the PiPs if you fancy a look.

"Has anyone seen my peanuts?.................

28 Nov 2023 21 24 71
..............I really can't remember where I buried them!"

Pony and Trap (+PiP)

05 Jan 2024 31 40 104
I spotted these two out for a bit of exercise by driving around the harbour at Bosham, West Sussex. The road is normally under water except at low tide. There's another shot in the PiP.

The Watcher

05 Jan 2024 28 42 95
I spotted this dog watching me through a house window when I was taking photos in Emsworth last week. It didn't look impressed :-)))

Bird Food Thief..!! (+PiP)

10 Jan 2024 27 40 69
This lovely Grey Squirrel is a regular visitor to my garden. This was taken from between the curtains in my living room window. I have a feeding tray attached to the top of a fence. Check out the PiP for another shot. Thank you to everyone who has visited my photo-stream lately, and left comments and/or yellow stars. Always appreciated..!! I hope you all have a splendid weekend.

Ménage à Trois?

--/--/---- 18 27 78
I think these were taken sometime in October last year in Leigh Park Gardens, Hampshire.

Seed Stealing Squirrel

24 Jan 2024 24 35 59
Another look at one of our visiting squirrels stealing food from the birds feeding tray, which is situated only a few feet outside our living room window. This was photographed in nice light through a pretty dirty double glazed window but I quite like the way it's turned out. Try viewing large.

389 items in total