

Photos of flowers, and gardens. And other growing plants, as they strike my fancy. Most of these are/were growing in my yard. See the Our Garden Beds set for some comments on what all this means.

New Garden

15 Jun 2005 109
The garden we planted last spring. The bluebird's a sculpture/ornament, not a real bird. Photographs can distort reality, despite folks claims to the contrary. This photo makes the garden look far more densely-packed than it actually is; it will be a couple years before we're fully satisfied with the arrangement. On the other hand we only lost one plant over the winter; we've replaced that.


16 Jun 2005 71
We've got roses in three places: An old, impossible-to-kill climbing rose beside the garage, a pair of rose bushes in the new garden we expect to decorate the trellis, and a small backyard rose garden I planted shortly after my mother passed away (then expanded again last spring). This was this year's first blossom in the backyard rose garden. Very pretty, methinks.


02 Jul 2005 52
Better in larger size.... Joan's yucca looks just glorious today. This pocket camera isn't half as capable as my Nikons. But any camera which can take this photo is worth carrying around.

Morning Glory!

07 Jul 2005 64
Our trellis.


27 Jun 2005 58
I've posted pictures of roses from this bush before, but it's the best rose in our garden. So here's another....

Color Source

06 Jul 2005 59
We have lots of gaillardia.


10 Jul 2005 49
Taken at Harbor Springs, Michigan. Camera: Nikon D70 Photo by Joel Dinda Also on a dabbler's journal

Boyer Road

08 Jul 2005 69
This is a few miles from my home. I was aiming to photograph the daylilies but the entire picture came out quite nicely. I particularly like the corn fields bracketing the road up ahead. I've spent the last three days in nearly continuous meetings at a convention in Toronto; it's been an excellent weekend, but you've already seen my best shots of Toronto and I'm sure you don't want to see the pictures I've been taking of seminar presenters and committee chairmen. I'm ready to head home, and ride the bike again.


02 Jul 2005 54
The front yard garden at its best.


25 Jun 2005 77
Growing on the edge of the parking lot at Seney Wildlife Refuge in Upper Michigan. Sorry, haven't got the slightest idea what it is.


25 Jun 2005 72
A Blue Flag, spotted & captured by the nature trail at Seney Wildlife Preserve in Upper Michigan. Perhaps the prettiest iris I've ever seen. Credit where due: Joan spotted it first, and took a similar photo.

Pink Rose

25 Jun 2005 52
Another trailside flower from our visit to Seney National Wildlife Preserve in Upper Michigan. Yes, I am crazy about pink roses. Camera

Shasta Daisies

08 Jun 2005 81
In our garden.


28 May 2005 56
These live in a hanging basket by our front porch. They were glorious earlier this year, but our vacation nearly did them in.


15 Aug 2005 65
Camera: Nikon D70 Photo by Joel Dinda

861 items in total