

Photos of flowers, and gardens. And other growing plants, as they strike my fancy.

Most of these are/were growing in my yard. See the Our Garden Beds set for some comments on what all this means.


11 Aug 2014 1 1 188
One Sunflower . A more conventional, straight into the flower's face, view of the sunflower we've been watching open for the past week. As you can see, as of this morning the flower's pretty much fully developed.

The Sunflower in Context

10 Aug 2014 1 1 150
One Sunflower . The same sunflower I've been photographing for the past week, photographed from our porch.

The Pollen Collector

13 Aug 2014 1 1 237
On that same sunflower. Getting this photo was harder than I expected.... Now the pace of the sunflower pix will slow. But we may be watching it decay until April. One Sunflower .


18 Aug 2014 179
When we first built the trellis, Joan planted Morning Glories and they covered the trellis every summer. Somewhere along the way we replaced those with Roses, which have turned out to be inconsistent. So this year, again, she planted Morning Glories. The first opened over the weekend, and so far we've had two each day. We're hoping for more....

It's That Sunflower Again

23 Aug 2014 150
One Sunflower . A little raggedy now, and somewhat larger than when we last looked. And a bit more bent.

Two Dahlias

24 Aug 2014 191
Come August, our garden beds get less interesting. Most of the blossoms have faded, and some of the plants are turning brown. There are exceptions, of course. We keep getting new Coneflowers (though the older ones, turning brown, predominate). This year the Black-Eyed Susans have been surprisingly successful. And amongst the annuals, the Dahlias have been quite fine.

Barn with Sunflowers, Saginaw Highway

25 Aug 2014 4 2 327
Near Mulliken, Michigan. File this one under "Sometimes you point the camera and get lucky."

Morning Glory

Late Summer Garden

30 Aug 2014 1 181
The Dahlias are still doing fine. Everything else, not so much.

Blanket Flowers

Time for Another Look

02 Sep 2014 2 1 221
One Sunflower . It's that sunflower I've been watching of late. The yellow's faded mostly to brown, and the blossom no longer makes any pretense of facing the sun. For the songbirds, though, it's a potential feast.

The Return of the Sunflower

13 Sep 2014 1 1 167
One Sunflower . Here, again, is the sunflower I've been photographing for the past few weeks. Now the whole plant's turning yellow. Still quite impressive, methinks....


14 Sep 2014 143
Our best fall flowers.

861 items in total