Brilliant fire in the sky - clouds do make a sunset

My first two days in Turkey

02 Oct 2016

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Brilliant fire in the sky - clouds do make a sunset

02 Oct 2016

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84 visits

Mandi and Sharon toast our arrival

02 Oct 2016

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89 visits

I'm not surprised they call this part of Turkey - the Turquoise Coast

02 Oct 2016

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One of many little islands dotted all over this coast

02 Oct 2016

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With the temperature hovering around 33C {96F} the temptation to jump in was immense

02 Oct 2016

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93 visits

A camel having a ride in the back of a trailer!!!

This was hilarious to see. Mandi and I were driving back home after an afternoon's shopping and we were stopping at a set of traffic lights, when I noticed a truck pull up next to us and in the back was a CAMEL!!!!!! It was quietly sitting there chewing something, and just watching the world go by. I suppose it's normal to the Turkish people - but it was a first for me. Mind you I had seen a man walking his cow on a leash down the road the day before!!!!

02 Oct 2016

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78 visits

I've only seen sunsets without clouds in Turkey - so it was great to see clouds

02 Oct 2016

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The sky looked on fire

02 Oct 2016

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77 visits

Fantastic sunset

18 items in total