Lone rowan berry

Lunch out and raindrops on roses

26 Sep 2012

81 visits

Lone rowan berry

26 Sep 2012

83 visits

Bunch of rowan berries on wet wood

26 Sep 2012

85 visits

Pale pink rose after the showers

26 Sep 2012

71 visits

Part of Jubilee Park in Bideford

26 Sep 2012

68 visits

Raindrops on the yellow rose

26 Sep 2012

66 visits

Bideford Park

26 Sep 2012

97 visits

Raindrops about to drop

26 Sep 2012

68 visits

Yellow petals

26 Sep 2012

2 favorites

1 comment

92 visits

Raindrop about to fall

I was delighted to have captured this rain droplet just before it fell. I just adore flowers and rain drops
20 items in total