The yellow rain is gorgeous

Acqualegia and Laburnum

25 May 2018

3 favorites


66 visits

The yellow rain is gorgeous

25 May 2018

89 visits

Pippin went into the stealth mode

25 May 2018

97 visits

New Himalayan honeysuckle plant just appeared

25 May 2018

6 favorites


96 visits

Pippin looking very handsome

Pippin doesn't normally pose for me - but I managed it this time.

25 May 2018

4 favorites


68 visits

The aquilegia only pink this time

Some of my aquilegia is a lovely pink as well as the normal deep purple. I just love the contrast between the flowers a d the green leaves.

25 May 2018

2 favorites

1 comment

83 visits

The aquilegia looks so good

25 May 2018

1 favorite

89 visits

These lovely flowers edge my lawn

25 May 2018

3 favorites

1 comment

96 visits

Lovely colours at the end of the top lawn

25 May 2018

1 favorite

96 visits

The yellow rain is so pretty

14 items in total