Jean's photos

02 Mar 2021

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Dive in there ? No thanks !

I meant to go somewhere different today to cheer myself up but I woke to a chilly overcast morning disinclined to go anywhere and feeling I needed to spruce up the house. So that was what I did. Clothes washed, bathroom which I had neglected on Sunday cleaned, floors hoovered, grocery order amended, bank account checked. Then I assembled a casserole in the slow cooker and did a tiny token bit in the garden. Barely quarter of an hour but I didn't want to aggravate my knee or hip. Booked a slot at the recycling on Thursday afternoon and finally organised a house number - one with a difference. It's like a mini window box. White with black numbers attached and will screw onto the fence beside my front door. Did some bird photography later in the afternoon. A fair number of birds were using the new ground feeder. Goldfinches and a coal tit and a greenfinch as well as blackbirds and Beaky and the possible girl friend. Not together though. That I would like to see. The fat filled coconut is going down fast. It will be interesting to see if the blue tits go inside when the level of fat drops even further. They can just about still reach it. Although I like the look of this one I think the next ones I buy will be halves. Went to the Pillars for milk and sesame bread sticks late on and combined it with a walk. Came back just in time as Julie appeared. She's hoping she will be able to cut hair again soon so we had a good chat on the doorstep. She's getting her first vaccination next week. It will be so nice to have her back again.

01 Mar 2021

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Up early but not bright eyed and bushy tailed so nothing much done until I got out and pruned back my kiwi fruit climber to create a space for my blue tit nest box. Found a selection of screw nails and cleared up some of the undergrowth so Andy would have a clear path to where the nest box was to be. He came over when I phoned and the box was up in no time. Frittered away some time having coffee then went out and tinkered yet again with the bird ground feeder. I think I've got it sorted out now although if nearby plants grow a lot I may have to rethink. The crocuses were alive with bees so a lot of time was spent photographing and I saw a blue tit giving the new box a once over. . Later in the day Linda phoned which was nice. Much of the conversation was gloomy though what with lockdown continuing, roads full of potholes, the problems of Brexit and the Salmond/Sturgeon affair. We didn't seem to be able to find anything cheerful to talk about except the weather. I'm keen to get on with the garden but am not walking as my knee and hip are not happy. It's hard to strike a balance. I think I need a day off where I take myself somewhere different for a change.

28 Feb 2021

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My trusty friend Beaky.

A cloudy day and not that warm. I spent the morning tidying up and setting Roomba in action downstairs then went into the garden to howk up more ivy and continue to fiddle with the ground bird feeder. Bits are now being cut off the bay tree. I want the feeder to have plenty of protection round it and a clear view from inside the house. I think there are going to be small adjustments for a while. Beaky came to say hello. He is amazingly trusting . The afternoon was spent eating cake and drinking coffee with Andy. He is getting keener than he used to be on independence and is very cross at Salmond. I'm surprised as he never used to be into politics at all and didn't vote until I chivvied him into it in his fifties. I don't try to tell people how they should vote but I just think it's important to vote. However the topic changed after a while to new neighbours who moved in next to Andy today and across the road from me. As usual I hadn't noticed. I'm oblivious to what people around me are doing. Finished up with Andy agreeing to put my bird box up for me and a number plate. The old one fell to bits ages ago and I feel guilty every time a parcel is delivered.

27 Feb 2021

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The bird hunter.

Couldn't get to sleep last night so up late. Did my Saturday chores and spent most of the day fiddling around with my new ground bird feeder. Not too many birds using it . I thought I saw Beaky but it may have been another robin. It's beak seemed to be OK and it had a few white feathers. Perhaps a female so I'm hoping Beaky has a girl friend. Quite a lot of time was spent rearranging in the kitchen so I can photograph inconspicuously. I'm cursing buying the jigsaw as it means the kitchen table is fully extended. At my rate I reckon it will be Christmas before I get it completed. Decided to give it to the end of April and see where I've got to. A couple of pieces were fitted into place today. While I was reorganising and taking photos a neighbours cat appeared. Usually I would have gone out and shooed it away but there were no birds in sight so I took a few photos just as it gave it's head a good shake. It's middle aged, overweight and has never caught a bird but it likes to pretend it's still a hunter.

26 Feb 2021

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My first bee of the year.

I don't know where the day's gone to. I slept well, woke early and seem to have done nothing much ever since. I know I faffed around a bit with my new bird table. It's small, only a little more than 30 centimetres square but the ground slopes where I want to put it. I've done some levelling and howking out of ivy but it needs more and there are crocuses which will have to be moved so I'll wait till they have died down. It's stable enough and Beaky was straight in. Other birds have been a bit more cautious but it is being used. Afterwards I struggled with my 1,000 piece jigsaw. I reckoned I had made a mistake buying it as after I got the edges in place it lay there untouched. A few pieces have gradually been placed. I don't know if I'm enjoying it but I don't like to give up. Wandered up the garden and found a bee harvesting the crocuses which was a thrill. My first bee of the year. Took lots of photos and cut back the lavateria which was getting in the way When I looked later there were about six or seven at work, all honeybees. Word must have spread. Now of course I want to see my first bumblebee. After that I appear to have done nothing. Started a new book, had some Selkirk bannock and fell asleep on the sofa. Haven't even been for a walk.

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25 Feb 2021

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Sheep on the skyline.

Woke up to my leg telling me I had overdone the gardening so decided to have a very lazy day. Cossetted myself all morning then drove off about lunchtime to look for photographs and shop at Loch Leven's Larder. I wanted cake for Andy when he cleans my car at the weekend but naturally I bought two sorts, a lemon cake that Andy likes and a Selkirk bannock that I like plus one exotic pack of little shortcrust boats filled with hazelnut chocolate cream and sprinkled with crushed hazelnuts. Not content with that I added a couple of packs of nibbles. Sheep featured quite a bit in my photographs but I liked these ones on the skyline best. Stopped at Strathmiglo for a short walk on the way home. It's been a beautiful spring day and I noticed that the back gate to Falkland Palace was open. Hope it still is tomorrow as I could photograph the aconites again. Arrived home to take delivery of my new ground bird feeder, a nest box and a three quarters of a coconut filled with fat. As a result I did a bit of gardening after all as I want the feeder outside my big kitchen window for photography. Quite a lot of ivy needs to be removed so I made a start and I'll need to do some levelling as well. But not much. Pleased that I stopped before my leg began to complain. Maybe I'm getting more sensible in my old age.

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24 Feb 2021

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Up slightly earlier today which was good. The kitchen got a thorough clean and disinfect and I read and did crosswords until my groceries arrived then sorted them out and put them away planning to have a sinful evening meal. Went into the garden yet again. More pruning and clearing the ground under the smoke bush. Feeling very pleased with myself although my leg is killing me, both the hip and the knee. But I don't care. It's such a pleasure to see one border looking tidy. Went to the Pillars for milk and forgot to take my purse so had to go back for it. Stopped at the Palace back gate to see if I could photograph the aconites but the results were poor. After I bought the milk I went to Birnie. The light was going but I had a short walk and photographed a swan. Not my finest hour but I liked the ripples.

23 Feb 2021

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Lenten rose.

I've had a few busy days and hoped I was going to continue today but I gave up. It was raining heavily and housework didn't appeal. It was also to be very windy and I had meant to go down to the coast hoping for wild water to photograph. The wind was late in coming and high tide was past so that went by the board. I picked a stem of my Lenten rose yesterday as it was almost invisible under a shrub rose so my photography was indoors. Belatedly put some clothes through the washing machine then noticed the rain had stopped. In spite of a very strong wind I took myself into the garden to continue clearing up accompanied as usual by Beaky. The lamium is now reduced to one patch in this border. Just two more borders to go. Did a fair bit of pruning. My crab apple and smoke bush had grown into each other. Now they are separate and look much better. More pruning to do though. Came in to lie on the sofa and read, then investigate plants for a shallow pond. I don't have a pond but am thinking of having one and am doing some research rather than rushing in as I've often done in the past

22 Feb 2021

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Crocus in the sun.

Today is the first day that has felt like proper spring. The sun shone and all my early crocuses which are all the same lilac blue opened up transforming the garden. I spent a long time carrying on with clearing up. Pleased that there are few weeds. It's mainly dead leaves and vegetation and lamium which has ramped everywhere. I've been hauling it up which is very satisfying even though I know I won't have eradicated it all. I shall try and keep at it this year. I would like only to have silver lamium which is much less invasive. Beaky was nearby all the time singing away. Maybe trying to attract a mate. When I came in I had a little rest checking my bank account and buying seeds. I've gone over the top on poppies. Six or seven different kinds and all colours except orange and blue of course, The nearest I've got is purple. Afterwards I spruced up the kitchen and cleaned the washing machine. The bathroom is cleaned too. My slow draining problem seems to be solved although my fingers are still crossed. Even set Roomba in action downstairs. After which I had a little walk then reverted to the sofa with crisps and a raspberry liqueur gin, part of a Christmas present. It hardly tasted alcoholic at all but had a deliciously fresh raspberry taste. It's sofa and TV from now till bedtime. I feel I've earned it.
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