the dance

Birds of a Feather

07 Jan 2022

59 visits

Thanks for the grub!

I found and old fiberglass transformer cover for sale and bought it to use as a raised garden bed. It looks for all the world like a giant window box. Before everything froze up I stuck branches of anything that looked tempting to birds into the soil. I don't like putting out feeders, but I'll gladly offer up a natural buffet. The little Juncos are in the "garden" all day long, flitting through the branches and picking away at the seeds. I like to think this little one was saying thank you.

25 Dec 2021

48 visits

Christmas Cardinal

16 Dec 2021

2 favorites

1 comment

46 visits

A small flock of Bluebirds have been hanging around for over a month now.

11 Dec 2021

2 favorites

45 visits

10 Dec 2021

1 favorite

33 visits

Cardinals frustrate me...they are so shy that I have to sneak to get a photo, and I've only been able to do that from behind a window.

03 Apr 2020

81 visits

I've been trying to get a shot of this bird for weeks. Through the window is the best I could do. edited to correctly id this bird as a Red Bellied Woodpecker, not a Flicker.

24 Mar 2020

93 visits

cast a colored shadow

01 Jan 2020

87 visits

winter raven

Through two glass windows, but beggars can't be choosers.

30 Dec 2019

81 visits

bird art

616 items in total