athena in the window

Cats & Dogs

23 Apr 2008

109 visits


19 Apr 2008

80 visits

Dutchie Style

Dutch Shepherds on the fly

23 Mar 2008

43 visits

I'm a bird! I'm a bird!

27 Oct 2007

59 visits


17 Dec 2006

70 visits


24 Apr 2007

74 visits

Steuben; Gone But Never Forgotten

Steuben was - is - my cat of 14 years. He disappeared on July 28, 2007. Just a few days after he vanished, my dog was attacked by a fisher cat. At least four other cats in our neighborhood have disappeared within the last month. Steubie was a helluva cat; more dog like than feline. He whupped the asses of many a fox, coyote, and dog that dared enter his territory. He was as gentle as a lamb with children. After his best friend, Homer (our previous dog), passed I didn't think he'd ever find another partner in crime. Luckily, Steubie accepted Macy quite quickly, and it was rare that they were out of one another's sight. I still hold out hope that he will return to me.

25 Sep 2006

105 visits

Best friends

28 May 2004

42 visits

28 Aug 2007

42 visits

155 items in total