athena in the window

Cats & Dogs

08 Feb 2009

61 visits

Play nice, boys.

Knox & Marley...they love each other...really...

08 Feb 2009

77 visits

Can you hear me now?

The way they joust, it reminds me of this:

08 Feb 2009

71 visits


Cutest dang puppy in the world!

08 Feb 2009

67 visits


Jacksonville, the Italian Greyhound who grew too much, has quite a spring in his step.

31 Jan 2009

75 visits

Two and a half labs

L to R : Macy, Tumbledown, Daisy

31 Jan 2009

66 visits

31 Jan 2009

84 visits

31 Jan 2009

95 visits

31 Jan 2009

59 visits

155 items in total