Kristin at Church

From Days Gone By

How quickly time passes! The Bible describes life as a vapor, that appears for only a moment, and then vanishes. In looking back across my "paper" photos, it has become obvious to me that I've lost track of time. It's amazing just how quickly things can change. How sad that we only become cognizant of the brevity of life when it has already been half-spent! As my grandpa (and grandma) used to …  (read more)

Kristin at Church

20 Jun 2009 126
Fish Tales, Vacation Bible School

The Carowinds Gang

01 Jun 2002 103
Carowinds, Charlotte, North Carolina, circa 2002

Papa and Kristin.jpg

01 Jan 1993 120
My father with my daughter Kristin. One of only a few pictures I have of him with her, and one of only a few I have of Kristin with a pacifier. I took the advise of my parents and got Kristin off the pacifier at an early age. I've actually seen kids starting to school whose parents still haven't managed to break their child's addiction to the pacifier. (I'm sure taking Kristin's pacifier at such an early age spared me many long days and nights of grief later on down the road.)

Nanny and Kristin

21 Jun 2009 97
Nanny rocks Kristin to sleep after a busy day of play.

"Marla" and Kristin

0000-00-00 00:00:00 106
Marla was a great dog. She was an abused/neglected puppy when we took her and her brother in. She had a long, happy life. We lost her in 2008.

Old Fashioned Day at Kings Grove Baptist Church, 2…

01 Jan 2000 46
"Old Fashioned Days" at Kings Grove Baptist Church, Central, SC. (yes, I know they didn't have paved roads back then, but this is as authentic as we could make it.) We parked our cars several miles back and walked to church as they did in old times, and a few people even arrived on horseback, or by horse and buggy.

Kristin on Chuckie.BMP

22 Apr 1996 74
Kristin rides Chuckie, Chuckie Cheese, Greenville, SC April 22, 1996

Kristin Chuckie blue outfit.BMP

0000-00-00 00:00:00 73
Chuckie Cheese, Greenville, SC 1996

Greg and Marla.BMP

04 Jul 2009 83
Greg and Marla, circa 1996

Having a ball!.BMP

0000-00-00 00:00:00 94
It's interesting that something as simple as a bunch of balls can fascinate a small child. We had hours of fun plyaing in the balls at Chuckie Cheese. circa 1996

Kristin on Alex's tricycle.BMP

22 Apr 1996 112
Sometimes I wish I could have those days back with her again, but there's always the grandchildren.

Kristin and Alex tricycle and red wagon.BMP

22 Apr 1996 129
Kristin and Alex, 1996

Kristin and Alex tricyle.BMP

22 Apr 1996 85
Alex offers a helping hand to a motorist in need



22 Apr 1996 71
No, she wasn't bored with Chuck E Cheese, she's just a FAST blinker!!! lol


04 Jul 2009 78
Karen and Brenham, date unknown



124 items in total