Kathleen Mackay 1926


22 Jun 2021

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Uploaded for this week's "Curly" theme at Vintage Photos Theme Park. I don't really know what the theme covers but there's one way to find out, eh? Anyway, we have some curly hair here, and some curly-hair holders. I believe this comes from a 1948 copy of Holiday magazine. Unfortunately it and some other old publications went missing during my last two moves and I haven't come across it yet, so I can't verify that. No idea what Scoldy implies. Let me know if you know. ==== Thanks to Keith Burton for sending me a link through which I was able to find that today's successor to this brand is the Amelia brand. Scoldy Lox was also registered as a trademark in 1945, so the 1948 edition of Holiday is looking more likely as the source.

07 Aug 2021

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Pool of London

The Pool of London was an important part of London's economy from the 7th century to the mid-20th, when the shipping trade moved to container ports on the coast. This postcard is probably from the 1930s; another card in the series shows a number of buses, none dating from later than the early Thirties Submitted to the Vintage Photos Them Park for the "Iconic Landmark/Tourist Destination" theme.

07 Sep 2021

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On the beach 1948

Posted for the Vintage Photos Theme Park's theme "On the beach". Me apparently being a captivating beach conversationalist at Plage-Laval, Quebec. Sweet Caps were the most popular cigarette in Canada at the time. They lasted till 2011 in Canada; American Sweet Caps were lost in the mists of time by then.

06 Oct 2021

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Husky the Muskie

Submitted for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme, Something Fishy . From the back of the postcard: Kenora is the northern gateway to Lake of the Woods, with its 14,632 islands and 65,000 miles of shoreline."Huskie" [sic] is a replica of the muskellunge (or muskie), one of the many fighting fish found in these waters, It is located in Kenora's McLeod Park, is 40 feet tall, and at 2 1/2 tons weighs 64 times more than the world's record muskie (70 lbs.). Actually, 2 1/2 short tons is 71 times 70 lbs. A rare example of the fishing community underestimating.

18 May 2021

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McMann Reunion

Another reunion. I posted a shot of a reunion recently (it's in the note at top left). Diane Putnam remarked under that photo that these outdoor reunions and community picnics used to be more common. I suspect she's right. Anyway. I remembered I had this longer shot of one, so I looked it out and here it is.

27 Sep 2022

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The Dainty Dessert

Another find from the St. Lawrence Market weekly collectibles show in Toronto. I don't think I've posted it here before, although I posted on Flickr once. There are recipes on the other side, but I didn't like the scan of them, so didn't post them. I could try again if anyone would like to see them.

19 Dec 2023

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Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park weekly theme of "On the Street Where You Live". I have been unable to identify the military the overcoat was issued by or the style or region of the house, so if you know please let me know. Thanks.
25 items in total