DieWaldlaeuferin's photos

The Woman With The Spindle

07 Feb 2011 15 9 542
My favourite.
20 Feb 2011 1 400
Ein Versuch...
07 Feb 2011 1 292
I'm definitely sad that the old must go sometimes... *sigh* It was such a beautiful building in the "art nouveau" style.
07 Feb 2011 1 373
They've now begun to tear it all down - and there's a high fence all around the area now. So it was just the last chance to go in there and I'm very happy about it.

The last party is over

31 Jan 2011 1 1 244
Warten auf den Abbruch. Waiting for the demolition.
31 Jan 2011 2 1 307
Der Letzte kehrt den Boden.
16 Apr 2007 433
This is one of the most fantastic places I've ever been and one of my dearest, too. We've been there for several hours, and all alone, until at the end two truck drivers came there to have their picnic. One of them told me that he always likes to stop here "en route" for a rest because it's "such a nice place". For more information see the album description.
16 Apr 2007 327
This is one of the most fantastic places I've ever been and one of my dearest, too. We've been there for several hours, and all alone, until at the end two truck drivers came there to have their picnic. One of them told me that he always likes to stop here "en route" for a rest because it's "such a nice place". For more information see the album description.
16 Apr 2007 443
This is one of the most fantastic places I've ever been and one of my dearest, too. We've been there for several hours, and all alone, until at the end two truck drivers came there to have their picnic. One of them told me that he always likes to stop here "en route" for a rest because it's "such a nice place". For more information see the album description.
16 Apr 2007 446
This is one of the most fantastic places I've ever been and one of my dearest, too. We've been there for several hours, and all alone, until at the end two truck drivers came there to have their picnic. One of them told me that he always likes to stop here "en route" for a rest because it's "such a nice place". For more information see the album description.
16 Apr 2007 483
This is one of the most fantastic places I've ever been and one of my dearest, too. We've been there for several hours, and all alone, until at the end two truck drivers came there to have their picnic. One of them told me that he always likes to stop here "en route" for a rest because it's "such a nice place". For more information see the album description.
16 Apr 2007 453
This is one of the most fantastic places I've ever been and one of my dearest, too. We've been there for several hours, and all alone, until at the end two truck drivers came there to have their picnic. One of them told me that he always likes to stop here "en route" for a rest because it's "such a nice place". For more information see the album description.
16 Apr 2007 422
This is one of the most fantastic places I've ever been and one of my dearest, too. We've been there for several hours, and all alone, until at the end two truck drivers came there to have their picnic. One of them told me that he always likes to stop here "en route" for a rest because it's "such a nice place". For more information see the album description.

779 items in total