Santiago de Cuba

Cuba - 2020

In Cuba for the 5th time, maybe the last time. A journey to old and mainly new places, we went from Santiago de Cuba to Baracoa - Moa - Rafael Freyre - Holguin - Manati - Camagüey - Moron - Remedios/Caibarien - Sagua la Grande - Cardenas - Hershey/Camilo Cienfuegos - Havana. Architecture (a lot of Art Deco), sugar mills (mostly abandoned), railway facilities and steam locomotives were the main su…  (read more)

Cuba - hood ornaments

Cuba - hood ornaments

Cuba - hood ornaments

16 Apr 2011 31 8 235
1951 Pontiac Chieftain

Cuba - hood ornaments


19 Feb 2020 25 6 192
1952 Chevrolet Styleline Deluxe 4 Door

Partagas - cigar factory

19 Feb 2020 17 4 152
The original factory was in the city centre near the Capitolio (see PiP) and is now situated beneath "Padre Varela".

La Habana - Art Déco

colors - buildings and cars

19 Feb 2020 34 14 241
1952 Chevrolet Bel Air - see PiP for Art déco

Edificio Bertha - Art déco

Edificio Bertha - Art déco

19 Feb 2020 15 4 176
While the entrance is absoultely unspectacular, looking up you find another wonderful example for Art déco, still walking down the "Padre Varela" in Havana.

Edificio Bertha - Art déco

Edificio Bertha - Art déco

Edificio Bertha - Art déco

Edificio Bertha - Art déco

Gran Logia de Cuba

Gran Logia de Cuba de A. L. y A. M.

19 Feb 2020 30 7 211
This beautiful and impressing building at the end of the walk along the Padre Varela is home of the "Gran Logia de Cuba", founded in 1876. It's the only Masonic lodge in the world, which can freely work in a communist country. After the revolution in 1959 Fidel Castro never forbid it, on contrary, Freemasons supported his politics. The eleven storey building (1955, architect Emilio Vasconcelos) is situated at no. 508 Avenida Salvador Allende. Allende himself was Freemason and a good friend of Fidel. Freemasonry in Cuba has about 30000 members, which is pretty much for a country of this size.

Gran Logia de Cuba

Gran Logia de Cuba

986 items in total