Gudrun's photos


09 Oct 2023 56 89 187
SC 69- Seasons Autumn colour in Kirkenes, in the far northeast of Norway near the Russian border. The shore of Prestøya is known for its many seabirds (wrong season, I only saw eiders and sandpipers) and is a joy to explore at low tide. Vegetation is mainly birch, arctic willow and a few rowans, and lots of berries (crowberry, blueberry and whortleberry) and mushrooms/toadstools in autumn.


05 Oct 2023 50 63 165
Morning mist in Trondheimsfjorden

Green Lights

After the rain

28 Aug 2023 65 78 245
SC65: Long shadow I'll be away for the next 3 weeks, see you end of October!


25 Sep 2023 1 4 37
Wilhelma Stuttgart

Fishing lines

31 Aug 2023 33 48 170
Behind a harbour shed at Upernavik

Get ready....

18 Oct 2019 26 26 145
SC64- sliding door moment I was surprised to see this poster at a rather late date for Brits in Germany to do anything about their status, but at least in 2019 the sliding door was still open, now it's more or less closed.... Alternative take

Qeqertarsuaq Idyll

30 Aug 2023 57 59 229
Greenlandic contrasts- dumped pick-up and pristine iceberg at Qeqertarsuaq

08/50 Galateabrunnen- Eugenstaffel

20 Sep 2023 28 26 147
SSC: Töne/ Geräusche - das Plätschern von Wasser.... Der Galateabrunnen und die Aussichtsterrasse des Eugensplatzes beschließen das obere Ende der Eugenstaffel (auf der Karte als Eugenstraße bezeichnet), die an der Urbanstraße beginnt und einen Höhenunterschied von 39m überwindet.

Colourful houses

01 Sep 2023 93 138 307
...and some fences to keep the sled dog puppies in. Adult dogs are always chained, they are half wild and only follow their owner, puppies up to 6 months are allowed to run free. Greenlandic sled dogs are not huskies, they are a completely different breed and still have a lot of wolf in them. Other dog breeds aren't allowed into Greenland, sled dogs that have left the country aren't allowed back in. hFF folks!

House with a view

01 Sep 2023 57 64 195
in Uummannaq (ca.1400 inhabitants)

Icy Blue Morning

01 Sep 2023 63 76 210
Early morning in the fjord towards Uummannaq, the ice pilot had his work cut out. Vessels venturing into Greenlandic coastal waters have to take 2 Danish ice pilots on board who work in 4 hour shifts. Exceptions are regular cargo ships and ferries with specially licensed crews- and of course the local fishermen who know their area.


01 Sep 2023 37 44 165
One of Greenland's most beautiful settlements, Uummannaq is dominated by its heart shaped mountain (the Inuit see a seal's heart in it). The daisy like flowers are tripleurospermum subpolare (Strandkamille), growing in profusion along the coast

J and T Fashion, Uummannaq

01 Sep 2023 31 44 133
SC 63: Red and Yellow A typical colourful Greenlandic scene. All essential goods are brought by sea in shipping containers as there is no road network. The containers are then put to further use for storing any old clobber, you can see them everywhere in front of houses and in people's gardens or along the coast holding fishing gear. btw- opening times of shops, cafés and museums are often rather approximate, supermarkets excepted;-)

Hasta siempre

13 Oct 2008 40 42 150
11.09.73 was the day of the miltary coup in Chile, and on and singer Victor Jara was brutally murdered in Santiago's National stadium where 40.000 were imprisoned, tortured and 70 murdered. Thousands "disappeared", poet Pablo Neruda was poisoned in hospital (someone gave him a deadly botulin injection). Victor Jara's music lives on: Te recuerdo Amanda Zamba del Che On my first visit to Santiago in 2004 some of the houses around the Plaza de la Constitución still showed bullet holes from the coup, by 2008 everything had been renovated. The bus of the Carabineros de Chile (noted for their brutality during the dicatorship) gave me the creeps... In Barrio Paris-Londres there are many plaques in the pavement of "disappeared" and murdered young victims of the coup

Fußballplatz vor Eisbergen

30 Aug 2023 52 90 203
Qeqertarsuaq auf der Disko- Insel hat einen der spektakulärsten Kunstrasen- Fußballplätze der Welt. Die Strandseite ist mit Sandsäcken gesichert, damit die Tsunamis, wenn mal wieder ein Eisberg umkippt, nicht den ganzen Platz überschwemmen.... Euch allen hFF und ein schönes Wochenende! Ich bin aus Grönland zurück, aber in gut 2 Wochen schon wieder weg. Ich werde versuchen, in der Zwischenzeit aufzuholen und bitte um Verständnis, wenn ich nicht ganz hinterherkomme....

Icebergs (and Whales)

16 Sep 2019 57 65 271
Plenty of humpbacks on our evening tour with a small boat Oops, that one must have dived underneath our boat, it came up right beside us- no time to adjust my lens...

Icebergs in Disko Bay

15 Sep 2019 58 75 224
First larger icebergs seen from coastal ferry Sarfaq Ittuk on the way from Aasiaat to Ilulissat

1933 items in total