Rae Lakes 01

Kings Canyon - Rae Lakes Backpack

46 mile trek in three days up Woods Creek and out Bubbs Creek in Kings Canyon National Park, Aug 3-5 2012.

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04 Aug 2012 71
Painted Lady nearground with Mt. Rixford in the back.

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04 Aug 2012 63
Higher up, a semi-panoramic of these peaks down to one of the alpine lakes.

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04 Aug 2012 78
Then a look back at the alpine lake to the Rae Lakes far below.

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04 Aug 2012 50
More alpine lakes to the west.

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04 Aug 2012 70
At the crest of the pass, a final look back from 12,000 ft to Rae Lakes and the long drop down to the invisible 5,000 ft trailhead.

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04 Aug 2012 50
Now looking to the south for the first time, to alpine lakes that lead to my goal for the night of Vidette Meadow, which is 2,600 ft below.

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04 Aug 2012 69
I think those are the Kearsarge Pinnacles in the distance.

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04 Aug 2012 43
Looking up at the Glen Pass wall I just descended from the south alpine lake.

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04 Aug 2012 72
The Bubbs Creek Pass comes into view. This will be my way out, completing the 46 mile loop.

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04 Aug 2012 73
Mountains leading to Forester Pass and Mount Whitney.

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05 Aug 2012 64
Morning after one of the worst nights of my life at Vidette Meadow. I knew about August Sierran afternoon thundershowers can happen, but this hard rain lasted 4-5 hours into the night and my tent was crap. Everything got soaked. The goal of Mt Whitney was aborted because sleeping at even higher elevation with all this wet stuff would be risking hypothermia.

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05 Aug 2012 65
Dropping down Bubbs Creek with endless amazing granite formations.

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Rae Lakes 52

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81 items in total