ATC "Berry Car"

ATCs: October 2006

All these works were originally made to fit on a board scrap 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" (or 64 x 89 cm). Images here are somewhat larger than the original size.

All images have the original white border (usually about 1/8" to 1/4") on the physical card clipped out. The signatures were added in Photoshop. (The real cards are each hand-signed on the back.) All images have also been polished in Photoshop …  (read more)

ATC "Olivehead 3"

27 Feb 2011 150
Collage on board. Originally posted 10/28/06. This made it onto the promotional postcard for a local ATC show a few summers back. If I find the promo, I'll put it up.

ATC "Olivehead 3" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 150
Same card, run through the "Artistic: Smudge Stick" filter. Originally posted 10/28/06.

ATC "Salad Ball"

27 Feb 2011 1 139
Collage and decollage on board. Originally posted 10/29/06.

ATC "Salad Ball" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 141
Here, the limbs and faces were gone over with a few miscellaneous tools to smooth (heighten?) their Caucazoid coloring first. A "Blur = Smart" filter smoothed everything out further. Then the whole thing went through the "Artistic = Poster Edges" filter.

ATC "Cake Eye 2"

27 Feb 2011 132
Collage and decollage on board. Originally posted 10/30/06.

ATC "Cake Eye 2" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 149
The "Blur: Radial Blur" filter is the last refuge for scoundrels and also for badly-considered layouts. It adds intensity and knocks out sloppy pasting with minimal effort. Plus no waxy yellow buildup. Other tools used were the eyelash brush (yes, it really does resemble a single eyelash on the Photoshop menu) and Clone Stamp, again.

ATC "Olivehead 2"

27 Feb 2011 154
Collage and decollage on board, with colored pencil. Originally posted 10/31/06.

ATC "Olivehead 2" (ex)

27 Feb 2011 160
Here's the "Artistic: Cut Paper" filter again, augmented with the Paint Bucket and a few other tools. Check out the mask effect this created on the upper left side of the "wall." Sort of seasonal, as are the marzipan candies in the kid's midsection.

62 items in total