
Filters / photo making


26 Nov 2019 74
A Tree with strong roots laughs at storms - Malay Proverb

La Jolla, Southern California

28 Dec 2019 1 1 75
Sent from my iPad

Color play

29 Dec 2019 1 45
Sent from my iPad


29 Dec 2019 1 38
Sent from my iPad

Watching sun set

Lady and her pup

27 Dec 2019 49
Paint filter
24 Dec 2018 2 66
You great star! What would your happiness be if you had not those for whom you shine! ~ "Zarathustra" ~ Nietzsche

A day of fog

14 May 2014 2 2 53
You must never understand life, and then, it will be party ~ Rilke

Wall Art / Alvin and Hobbes

Husk of Summer

Autumn in Michigan

Greeting the morning sun

Cave and a man

426 items in total