
Filters / photo making

28 Jan 2022 21
A tree beside the sandy river-beach Holds up its topmost boughs Like fingers towards the skies they cannot reach, Earth-bound, heaven amorous. श्री औरोबिन्दो

Engine Number 9

04 Feb 2022 2 30


03 Feb 2022 1 34
window (n.) c. 1200, literally "wind eye," from Old Norse vindauga, from vindr "wind" (see wind (n.1)) + auga "eye" (from PIE root *okw- "to see"). Replaced Old English eagþyrl, literally "eye-hole," and eagduru, literally "eye-door." Compare Old Frisian andern "window," literally "breath-door." Originally an unglazed hole in a roof. Most Germanic languages later adopted a version of Latin fenestra to describe the glass version (such as German Fenster, Swedish fönster), and English used fenester as a parallel word till mid-16c. Window dressing in reference to shop windows is recorded from 1853; figurative sense is by 1898. Window seat is attested from 1778. Window of opportunity (1979) is from earlier figurative use in U.S. space program, such as launch window (1963). Window-shopping is recorded from 1904.

Morning workout

Cold night....

06 Jan 2023 2 1 15
...Power failure and the house sans the heating at night! :o(
09 Jan 2023 5 2 28
The phrase ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ appears in England for the first time in 1913. It comes from the book ‘Rustic Speech and Folklore, by Elizabeth M. Wright. ~ Page 230

Hill side stream

13 Mar 2023 6 4 36
Instincts, we tend to think, are automatic, unconscious patterns of behavior. The spiders’s web that glistens in the morning dew was dictated by a genetic code in the spider’s tiny brain. The web may be a lovely sight to our eyes, but its beauty is a mere by-product of a spider’s way of enjoying breakfast. From the standpoint of either the spider or the human observer, such pretty accidents of nature are a long way from how we normally regard works of art. ~ Dennis Dutton

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