
Fungi, Lichen & Slime Molds 2

17 Aug 2009

132 visits


LOL, this is the only time I have ever seen a small mushroom growing upside down out of the top of a larger one. Means you can see the top surface of a cap as well at the same time as the gill pattern. Found growing 17th August last year at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park.

22 Aug 2009

135 visits

Slime mold

A white slime mold growing on the leaves of a Bunchberry plant in the forest at West Bragg Creek. Seen on 22nd August last year.

23 Aug 2009

146 visits


I couldn't help loving this little textured mushroom, seen growing in Brown-Lowery Provincial Park on 23rd August last year. LOL, I've just checked to see the date on which I took the very first photo of a fungus that I posted on Flickr - 3rd September 2004 - though I had loved mushrooms for many years before that. My passion developed once I got my first digital zoom camera, but then really took off last year when we had such a bumper crop of fungi.

17 Aug 2009

111 visits

Living in a green world

Found and photographed on 17th August last year, at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park.

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18 Sep 2008

76 visits

Shining light

Love the way the light shines through the gills of some mushrooms, giving a beautiful glow. Photographed this one on 18th September 2008 at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park.

23 Mar 2010

155 visits


Saw this bright orange Lichen growing on a fallen log when I called in at Sikome, Fish Creek Park early this afternoon. This was on the way home from a walk all morning in Weaselhead. It has been another beautiful, sunny day, but I heard something on TV about 2 cm of snow on Friday? Hopefully this never arrives. That four-lettered "S" word must be the worst of them all, LOL!

03 Aug 2009

105 visits

Little knitted cap

This sweet little mushroom was growing along the Marston Creek Trail on the edge of Kananaskis, on 3rd August last year. Such an amazing texture to the cap : )

03 Aug 2009

128 visits


Liked the tilted cap of this little mushroom, seen growing along the Marston Creek Trail, at the eastern edge of Kananaskis, on 3rd August last year. Today, very kind friends had invited me to go along with them to Kananaskis, to the Golden Eagle Migration location, near the Nakiska ski hill. I was there a few days ago, too, but today I actually got to see (through binoculars) two or three tiny specks in the sky. The weather forecast had said 90% chance of rain or snow all day, and though a good part of the day was overcast, it could have been a whole lot worse. As we started the drive home, the sun actually came out. Really not a bad day at all, and it was so enjoyable! Always such a treat for me when I get the chance to have a trip to the Rocky Mountains : ) Thanks so much, Dorothy and Stephen!! Now I am having great difficulty keeping my eyes open, so need a mug of coffee before I need to head out later this evening. Apologies, you guys, for replacing my three photos just now, but 4 or 5 views in two or three hours seemed really weird.

17 Aug 2009

101 visits

Shingled/Scaly Hedgehog fungus

Thanks to Doug Waylett, I have the ID for this remarkable fungus that we saw at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park on 17th August last year. Love the texture and many upturned scales on the caps of this fungus.
300 items in total