
Fungi, Lichen & Slime Molds 2

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22 Aug 2009

122 visits

Beauty in the forest

Thought this was quite an attractive fungus growing on a fallen log in West Bragg Creek Natural Area on 22nd August last year..

23 Sep 2008

84 visits

Glorious orange

We saw this amazingly beautiful fungus growing on a fallen log at Mallard Point in Fish Creek Park, on 23rd September 2008. Just love the spectacular colour and the white edging. Doug Waylett gives the tentative ID for this one as Phyllotopsis nidulans, Orange Mock Oyster, a gilled yellowish orange shelf fungus growing on a dead poplar log." Thanks, Doug - hope you don't mind. Thanks also to Joseba (Amigos de la micologia / Joseba Castillo) who added: Comprueba Panus rudis = Lentinus strigosus. Much appreciated.

02 Jul 2009

107 visits


Nothing spectacular, but I noticed all the narrow stripes on the cap of this ittle mushroom, that is obviously well past its prime : ) Found growing in the forest at the Mountainview Sports and Handicapped Centre, north west of Calgary, on 2nd July last year.

06 Aug 2009

98 visits

Red Tree Brain

This fungus always fascinates me and brightens my day! To suddenly come across this colour amongst the trees is a joy, especially if it has recently rained and the tiny fungi are all plumped up and richer in colour : ) This Red Tree Brain was seen on 6th August last year at Bentz Lake Natural Area, north west of Calgary.

17 Aug 2009

149 visits

Miniature perfection

I suspect I'm going to be completely running out of mushroom shots long before our next fungi season arrives, but I do still come across the occasional one that is fit to post : ) Found this tiny mushroom growing at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park on 17th August last year. Just spent a most uninspiring and unrewarding afternoon driving east of the city. I've only ever driven eastwards maybe twice and never as far as I went today, so for me it was a nerve-wracking drive (driving phobia). Before I left the city, I called in at Canadian Tire and bought a tiny car compass to replace the other one I bought but can't find. Made me feel more confident as I sped along Highway 22X, seeing an E in large, clear writing. Then I made a turn and headed back in the opposite direction, retracing my tire tracks. So, the obvious thing to expect would be to see a W on my compass, right, as I headed westwards back towards the city? It never appeared - all I got was either NE or SE for the whole return trip! And all I saw for my bravery were four Magpies!! Not even a Raven, LOL.

02 Jul 2009

141 visits

Brightening up the forest

I always love to see these tiny, orange fungi in the forest. I thought they were Eyelash fungi, but when I looked more carefully, I couldn't see any little hairs around the rims, so not sure about the ID now. We found these at the Mountainview Sports and Handicapped Centre, north west of Calgary.

20 Aug 2009

131 visits


It seems to be mushroom day on Flickr, so thought I'd add one of my own, LOL! I love these white ones whose gills turn upwards. Also love it when I am lucky enough to come across a mushroom that the sun is shining down upon, through a gap in the forest canopy. What a gorgeous, sunny day it is here. The snow is melting and the sun was actually warm (maybe around 5C) when I was out on a walk all morning at Edworthy Park. However, looking at our forecast, there is snow on two days coming up soon. This is the time of the year when we are on a rollercoaster ride - a snowfall, snow melts and we think that maybe that was the very last snowfall of winter; another snowfall, snow melts ... and so on and so on for the next few weeks.

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22 Aug 2009

147 visits


Found this chunky mushroom in West Bragg Creek natural area on 22nd August last year.

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22 Aug 2009

124 visits

Alone in the forest world

An isolated little puffball growing in West Bragg Creek Natural Area. Actually, there were dozens and dozens of these little guys growing all over this beautiful moss-covered tree stump. Again, so lucky with the light : )
300 items in total