
Calgary Zoo 1

02 Jul 2007

113 visits

Last man loses

The Grizzly ended up with the tiny fish! My eyes are always drawn to the size of those claws! Sorry if anyone has left a comment on this photo before reading that I took it at the Zoo! Of course, if it had been in the wild, I would not have stopped long enough to even take a photo, LOL!

02 Jul 2007

146 visits

Barred Owl

This Barred Owl was sitting just a few feet away from me when I walked through one of the Calgary Zoo aviaries recently. Unfortunately, I couldn't step off the path to get a better view without the annoying, right-hand, vertical branch! In the wild, these owls are rare to uncommon year round in Alberta. Strange to see an owl that has dark eyes.

02 Jul 2007

112 visits

Feathery ferns

I always love seeing the patterns made by ferns - these ones are at the Calgary Zoo.

02 Jul 2007

65 visits


What I would give to be doing what the Flamingoes do! Our heatwave is endless and the thought of being in water seems really appealing right now.

02 Jul 2007

73 visits

Vulturine Guineafowl

Another Zoo photo, I'm afraid - just not seeing much in the way of wild birds over the summer! Will post a photo later of the glorious bright blue, black and white striped body of this stunning bird. At one stage, it flew to the railing I was leaning against and continued walking towards me and my camera until it was only a few inches away from my face. Too much for my camera to deal with, LOL! Also, that beak looked as though it could do some damage!

02 Jul 2007

91 visits

Vulturine Guineafowl

I always marvel at the colours and patterns of this bird's feathers. So stunning. I guess they just have to be that beautiful to balance out the head end, LOL!

08 Jul 2007

116 visits

Water Lily

These flowers are so stunning and I feel very lucky to have the chance to see them in the Butterfly House at the Calgary Zoo.

08 Jul 2007

169 visits


This is a Passionflower seen in the Butterfly House at the Calgary Zoo. I had seen lots of photos of Passionflowers by other people, but I had always pictured this flower being more like a Water Lily and huge. So, when I photographed this much smaller flower growing on a vine, I didn't realize it was the same thing. Such a strange looking flower! Really quite magical. This particular kind is called Lavender Lady.

27 Sep 2007

81 visits


This is a gorgeous white Peony from the Calgary Zoo, to thank each and every one of you who has taken the time to stop and look at my photos. It makes taking photos so much more fun if, at the end of the day, one can share them with others.
300 items in total