Rindleford Mill, now known as Pool House, taken on the footpath from Soudley Rocks

Shropshire Walks, Rindleford (1)

Folder: Shropshire Walks
A 7.5m circular walk from Rindleford in May 2008' via Apley Terrace, Hartlebury, Catstree, Worfield, the Davenport Estate, Burcote House and Rindleford Mill. (Weather was warm, 16C, with rain at times.)

Unusual companions for lunch.

15 May 2008

123 visits

Path from the A442 towards Winscote with Keepers Cottage on the right

(1179 views in Panoramio)

15 May 2008

134 visits

Path down towards Winscote Cottages near Newton

Not more than a few seconds after joining this path we heard one of our friends that regularly escorted us along such places, the Robin. After stopping to locate his whereabouts, which is normally only a couple of yards away, we proceeded. He kept moving on about every 20 yards until we were safely off his territory! (1776 views in Panoramio)

15 May 2008

170 visits

Track leading downward to Winscote Cottages

The path on the left is a old footpath along the slope of Apley Terrace leading to below the Trig Point. However it soon becomes engulfed and we had to claw our way to the brow of the Terrace and follow the field fence to join a track along the ridge.

15 May 2008

114 visits

Trig Point (129m) on Apley Terrace

The Trig Point took quite a bit of time to locate, and we sat to have a welcome cup of tea.

15 May 2008

120 visits

Small pond near the footpath alongside Ewdness House

15 May 2008

104 visits

Farm buildings at Catstree

We had tried to arrive at Catstree via a footpath from Hartlebury, but the first style was buried in a hawthorn bush, and so we returned to take the Lane.

15 May 2008

145 visits

The Mere from the Lane leading to Worfield

15 May 2008

109 visits

The Vicarage Hotel

15 May 2008

111 visits

Cottages near the Church of St. Peter in Worfield

25 items in total