Pedrocut's photos

Looking from above Hartsop along Pasture Bottom wi…

Hartsop Dodd (618m) from near Hartsop (February 19…

Looking towards Hartsop along the A592 from near C…

King's Bromley

Churchyard of All Saints at King's Bromley (Grade…

Church of All Saints at King's Bromley (Grade I Li…

02 Aug 2007 170
The grass in front of the Church was being mowed by a chap who told us of the problems that King's Bromley was having with the increase in traffic through the village. The increased danger and pollution. At the rear of the Church we sat for a cup of tea, and had to smile. We did not have the heart to tell the chap that we came from within spitting distance of Spaghetti Junction!

Recent heavy rain around the footpath approaching…

Lunch on the bank of the River Trent NE of Orgreav…

02 Aug 2007 123
We had crossed the field to reach the bank of the river Trent and followed the bank for about 200 yards. We were accompanied by a huge amount of damselflies, many more than we had ever previously in one place.

Rugeley Power station peeps through the trees

02 Aug 2007 83
The cooling towers of which were demolished on 6 June 2021.

Orgreave 022

Purple Loosestife near Overley Farm

An avenue of Dock plants near Overley Farm

A distant Heron gives an idea of the bank of the r…

Orgreave 016

Alrewas Mill from over the unseen river Trent near…

Seen Better Days, near Overley Farm

02 Aug 2007 128
Hiding from the Tat Man!

Looking towards the Church of All Saints at Alrewa…

Wychnor Country Club from near Overley

02 Aug 2007 111
The river Trent flows near the trees

5594 items in total