Sea lion platforms



Bunny Olympics

28 May 2014 5 2 388
5m hurdles. Ooooh, one bunny down!

"I'm thinking about bugs."

28 May 2014 2 4 460
AA331 Waterfowl.

Duck gossip at the water bowl

28 May 2014 4 8 375
Somewhere, there must be a paint color called Duckling Bill Pink. AA331 Waterfowl.

"Would you like to see me chew things?"

"Mmm...maybe I could eat this."

"Plastic thing! Yay!"

"This is where I keep my sticks"

Out for a walk

13 Sep 2016 6 13 402
Farm boys struggling with their sheep. The sheep did not do well on leashes and the boys had to pull them "all the way to the other side of town." The town by the way, is tiny.

Boys with their sheep

10 Jul 2016 3 4 360
The boy on the right is laughing because, "She's peeing on the sidewalk."

Down the street

20 Jul 2016 2 377
Pulling their sheep all the way home - or wherever they're going. I forgot to ask why they were pulling their sheep around town. Terrible light, terrible photo, heavy editing. A normal person wouldn't upload it.

Small surfer

11 Jun 2016 5 1 271
Female mallard. AA331 Waterfowl

Catching a wave

09 Jun 2016 1 2 264
The yellow stuff in the water is a mass of pine pollen. Ugh! AA331 Waterfowl

Lost her surfboard

11 Jun 2016 3 5 351
Female mallard, by the way. Her boyfriend appeared later from the willow bushes. AA316 Birds of a feather.

"Don't lick me!"

10 May 2016 5 10 259
The dogs that used to be at my mother's assisted living home every day. The director, who owned them, left and so did the dogs. Mom still misses them, especially the enormous Tut. I've never seen a Lab as big as he was, about the size of a St. Bernard.

King Tut (the Lab) and Happy

10 May 2016 1 4 232
The dogs that used to be at my mother's assisted living home every day. Tut was definitely the boss. The director, who owned them, left and so did the dogs. Mom still misses them, especially the enormous Tut. I've never seen a Lab as big as he was, about the size of a St. Bernard.

Goat art I

25 May 2016 5 4 354
Which one do you like better?

248 items in total