Sunset light painting

Night photos long exposure

Perth Foot Ball Stadium and Foot bridge - Pink for…

11 Sep 2018 6 6 237
The building Bridge and walk way lit up pink For International ladies day. This is a 8 shot panorama of the new Stadium and foot bridge the water was not 100% flat but you got an excellent reflection of colours . Enjoy large

Foot Bridge.

11 Sep 2018 23 12 443
This was a shot that did not work with a nice long exposure , all the colours blended together so the lighting was white. to get the colours I had to use a very fast shutter speed so the colours could not blend together and you got these marvelous group of colours. Enjoy large.

Simple Reflections

11 Sep 2018 13 16 485
The prime verses zoom.

Kimba Milky Way @ full moon

26 Sep 2018 9 6 326
cloud free showed me I was never going to get a shot as it would be blanket of clouds so I left my Astro lens at home to save weight. I had a very small window of dark but the bus Driver did not want to stop till we got the Kimba road house. Astro @ full moon is not at all good but the milky way is there look above the sign you can see the Southern Cross and the pointers big part of the milky way. PIP The Full moon

Chinamans point fences - HFF

29 Oct 2018 14 26 385
Cloud free forecast total cloud cover so I left my astro lens at home to save weight , so I had to use the 16-35mm F4 for a second time I am happy to say passed with flying colours. while I walked here( 15 min) from the motel to capture the Milky Way Bow in Black skies yes that close. This is a shot that was taken for just one group in mind I would have never taken this shot before total have shunned it. the lighting is provided by kalbarri town ship behind me and the stars all around. enjoy a clouded night in the mid west. Note the Zodiacal light on the left hand side of the Milky Way.

Dont Fence Me In -HFF

29 Oct 2018 22 34 356
A full 360 view of the observation area at Chinamans point and all the fences. HFF

Starting to look a whole lot like Chirstmas BUT NO…

06 Dec 2018 6 4 317
My wife decided it was time to put up a tree in our new home (one year). Hope I have done the arrangement justice in a corner of our home.

Coloured lights

20 Dec 2018 8 4 308
the fountain in 40 years has changed what was orange is now green and the reverse. I have the old slides shot.

Pioneer Woman Monument

20 Dec 2018 46 28 890
The change in 40 years is quite a lot but still a very fitting monument to the pioneer women of western Australia. I found out its lit in summer nights rather than all year so we went to capture the same magic as 40 years ago. I hope the new version does the Ladies Justice, with its higher Fountain and new lighting. PIP 1 the old slide shot from the 70's PIP 2 the new coloured lights. PIP 3 By day light. I would like to add this comment I got on Flickr I believe it says it all Margaret Leggoe Been reading a bit of history, this year, and our pioneering women had to be resiliant and tough. My great grandmother lived in the Pilbara in the late 19th Century, travelled almost every year to York to have a baby, then back again to the Pilbara, often without the baby. Only two of nine babies survived their infancy. Happy Christmas, Steve. That is true resilience and why this monument was erected and why I wanted to do it some justice....

Between Rocks and a hard place

08 Jan 2019 21 21 704
when you dont look to the southern pole Due east. ISO 1600 86 shots.

A new year and a Whole lot of learning

17 Jan 2019 10 15 529
It was always one of my wishes to get a tracker. So this year it all starts again Sky Adventurer 5 Kg load so i hope to use my 150-600mm as well as 70- 200mm and my 105mm. this is a whole lot more learning to come.

On our small Rock

29 Jan 2019 12 7 428
The site right next to the main road Cars and trucks going past for the deep sky shots I use gaffer tape to cover the view finder from there lights. while I had the shot with no truck I thought why not included a little reality to the shot even our car gets a staring role.. The PIPs have been added so the view of the sky and the shot mean some thing more.

Joe's Fish shack

Observation point.

25 Feb 2019 2 248
The place was a total black area but for the cloud cover we had each night. On the third day I could see the Southern Cross and the Pointers so I took off. when I set up the wind was so strong it caused shake in the shot so I moved the tripod behind a bush to get out of the wind. I shot from right to left as the clouds where moving very fast. you will note the movement between the first and second shot. I got the first row done and was coming back to get the whole bow left to right. i got but 3 shots and then it was total cloud cover I waited to see if it clears and I got lucky but to no avail hence the missing shot on the top row on the right. It only took 10 min of shot time and my view of the stars was totally washed out. in this shot I have tried to mask out the cloud areas but there is just too much to get a great photo. Who every said Astro photography is easy.

Observation Point 2

25 Feb 2019 13 20 520
The place was a total black area but for the cloud cover we had each night. On the third day I could see the Southern Cross and the Pointers so I took off. when I set up the wind was so strong it caused shake in the shot so I moved the tripod behind a bush to get out of the wind. I shot from right to left as the clouds where moving very fast. you will note the movement between the first and second shot. It only took 10 min of shot time and my view of the stars was totally washed out. this was the sum total of stars I saw the whole trip clear days clouded in at night. PIP shows you all I got for the second row. in this shot I have tried to mask out the cloud areas but there is just too much to get a great photo. Who every said Astro photography is easy this was the total stars I saw in the whole time.

Fire Works 1

16 Mar 2019 3 1 214
For all those In Europe look at this full size count the stars. Note the phone in the Girls hand. How do you make a Mono pod into a tripod to take these photos.

Fire Works 2

16 Mar 2019 6 7 367
For all those In Europe look at this full size count the stars. How do you make a Mono pod into a tripod to take these photos.

Fire Works 3

16 Mar 2019 8 12 446
For all those In Europe look at this full size count the stars. Note the phone in the Girls hand. How do you make a Mono pod into a tripod to take these photos.

188 items in total