Steve Paxton's photos

Sunset On a Cloudless night.


16 Mar 2019 1 4 151
Mandurah Crab festival note Pre Covid times.

Start Of a new day: HFF

24 Feb 2019 27 42 334
Some times its best to stay a little longer....

Omega Centauri (ω Cen or NGC 5139)

12 Mar 2019 7 10 517
60 shot with the 600mm Lens PIP inside the bow next to the pointers.

Borya constricta Churchill

09 Mar 2019 7 5 229
This Is the plant after the summer dry and no water at all. Today has been our first day of rain the whole day so I have put it out in the rain to wake up from the Summer Sleep. PIP one shows the winter colour. PIP 2 shows last years summer colour even on the rocks it is the same as my colour this year. this will be interesting to see it change the moss has already started to go green after the days rain and the leave more orange colour. PIP 3 show the plant after two weeks water.

New Road-why am I the only one working

01 Nov 2007 4 2 290
At a new road construction the only one working the rest where at the Van buying smoko

Very old Australiana : Esperance HFF

27 Feb 2019 9 16 339
a home and fence completely made of the typical Building material Corrugated Iron sheets. Welcome to australia "1896 R.J Stewart Dairy"

Milky way Detail:-Well worth it on black...

04 Mar 2019 5 6 441
I went out to try and get better. PiP shows the 14mm view. 56 shots stacked in Sequator with the matching back files all up 200+ shots used to get this. Hardest part I find is then having to edit the photo as we cant see this detail by eye at all. Surpasses my first few shots. I feel happier with the method of set up on this and how it turned out. no I did not look for the 4 stars I looked for the stars trailing and moved to reverse it 5 goes I was happy pin points 2m 35sec and no tracking @ 200mm. BUT pays to lock the head back down so I went to the old ways to try a beat the clouds coming in.

Milky way Rises above Serpentine Dam.

Observation Point 2

25 Feb 2019 13 22 500
The place was a total black area but for the cloud cover we had each night. On the third day I could see the Southern Cross and the Pointers so I took off. when I set up the wind was so strong it caused shake in the shot so I moved the tripod behind a bush to get out of the wind. I shot from right to left as the clouds where moving very fast. you will note the movement between the first and second shot. It only took 10 min of shot time and my view of the stars was totally washed out. this was the sum total of stars I saw the whole trip clear days clouded in at night. PIP shows you all I got for the second row. in this shot I have tried to mask out the cloud areas but there is just too much to get a great photo. Who every said Astro photography is easy this was the total stars I saw in the whole time.

Observation point.

25 Feb 2019 2 230
The place was a total black area but for the cloud cover we had each night. On the third day I could see the Southern Cross and the Pointers so I took off. when I set up the wind was so strong it caused shake in the shot so I moved the tripod behind a bush to get out of the wind. I shot from right to left as the clouds where moving very fast. you will note the movement between the first and second shot. I got the first row done and was coming back to get the whole bow left to right. i got but 3 shots and then it was total cloud cover I waited to see if it clears and I got lucky but to no avail hence the missing shot on the top row on the right. It only took 10 min of shot time and my view of the stars was totally washed out. in this shot I have tried to mask out the cloud areas but there is just too much to get a great photo. Who every said Astro photography is easy.

Banksia speciosa

Duke of Orleans- Table Island

Thistle Bay

25 Feb 2019 7 9 342
The bay next to Lucky bay and the same pink granite and lovely clear water

Lucky Bay

25 Feb 2019 3 2 176
The bay is very famous for Kangaroos laying on the beach as the water from the land flows out of the sand to keep them cool. no luck today just a bay packed with people , White sand and Blue water. note the plane that flew to the eastern states from Perth.

" Turtles Dream"-Time Stands Still

Ctenophorus ornatus - Ornate Crevice Dragon.

25 Feb 2019 6 4 232

1641 items in total