Eastern tiger swallowtail on Philadelphus flower


Pipevine swallowtail

09 Jun 2018 10 15 152
Battus philenor

Widow skimmer

10 Jun 2018 7 9 136
Libellula luctuosa

Pipevine swallowtail

16 Jun 2018 7 4 125
On the bank of the Tombigbee River

Hibiscus flower with bumblebee

Pearl crescent (Phyciodes tharos)

21 Jun 2018 10 17 173
And a little bee.

Full load of pollen

Red admiral butterfly

Common green darner

27 Jun 2018 8 8 166
Common green darner (Anax junius) male

Widow skimmer

27 Jun 2018 16 10 173
Widow skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) male

Pale beauty moth (Campaea perlata)

Monarch butterfly on milkweed

Black swallowtail (male)

15 Jul 2018 8 13 175
Papilio polyxenes

Common pondhawk dragonfly (male)

15 Jul 2018 11 13 153
Erythemis simplicollis

Pontederia cordata with bumblebee

Gulf fritillary (Agraulis vanillae)

Illinois river cruiser

24 Jul 2018 4 4 113
Illinois River Cruiser Dragonfly (Macromia illinoiensis)

Common pondhawk

24 Jul 2018 2 4 112
Common pondhawk mature male (Erythemis simplicicollis)

Common pondhawk

24 Jul 2018 4 2 100
Common pondhawk juvenile male (Erythemis simplicicollis)

113 items in total