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Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Over the last few days, several club members have already contacted us regarding the mandate of the Treasurer or financial assistants. This is great news for ipernity. Interviews with these candidates are now in progress. After that we will inform you publicly about these persons.

2) Please be aware that the mandate of the Vice-President is still to be filled. It is not required by law, but very important for our future. The mandate holder is responsible for public relations and promotion activities to attract new members. It would therefore be useful if the candidate has some knowledge and experience with social media. The deadline for application is February 25, 2022.

More information: Duties of the Vice-President of ipernity

3) In the meantime, we have succeeded in programming an efficient tool for merging abandoned groups (for team use only). With it, your treasures marooned in such groups can now be presented to the public again in an appropriate way. If you notice such abandoned groups, please report them to the group Groupbusters.

Your ima team