Nickname: mad.melon

Real name: Magdalena

Age: 31

Website: none (so far :D)

Town/nation: Pułtusk / Poland polish

Spoken languages: Polish, English; i understand German and Russian :D


Q. Tell us something about you and photography

A. taking pics is easier than drawing ;) i started from zenit 11 (still got it ;)) when i was 13 and well... :)


Q. What are your preferred subjects and techniques?

A. things, objects, sky. i'm atechnical :D


Q. Are you a professional photographer?

A. amateur, used to be housewife, now i'm just mad punk polish housewitch and i have a dog ;))

Q. What's your equipment?

A. fuji S5000, zenit 11. photoshop cs2

Q. When and where you started sharing your shots?

A. april 2006 - fuckr, i mean flickr :)

Q. Three preferred shots of yours?


(that was hard :D)

Q. The three preferred photographers or bloggers on Ipernity (so I can interview them: it isn't a contest ;-) )


GrandDesign (USA),

contramowly (Spain),

and last but not least:

Ojisanjake (Japan).

Q. What are the features you'd like to see implemented/improved on Ipernity?

A. comments related with pics, not with users (aaaaaaaarggggghhhh)

and do something with "your network" page!!! it's just dustbin, i can't find any of my contacts directly....

Thank you very much, Maddy, and see you soon on MPPH



Previous interview: Manganite

Next interview: Seelview