After yesterday's rain which hammered us from late morning until bedtime today dawned sunny and bright.With little to do on the work front and showers forecast for later I decided on a morning stroll.With Thorny likely to be flooded the lanes wre out again and needing to visit the shop anyway I decided on the beach from the Roundhouse to the golf course and then up to the shops.
I met a few casuals on the way and then Margaret's sister Anne.
She was out walking here little mongrel dog and the dog had found a stick as they do so I spent the next 10 minutes talking to Anne and throwing a stick full of dog saliva for the mutt.

Parting company with those two after sharing our family news I headed past the golf course and up to the Farm Shop. I had decided on a easy roast dinner. 4 nice slices of beef carved while you wait from there with roast potatoes and sprouts and a couple of Yorkshire puddings will fit the bill.With the lot smothered in onion gravy,with no joint of meat to buy and cook it makes an easy roast dinner,I like easy.
nothing to photograph on the walk today apart from a low tide which as you can see is too far out so snap any birds.

This generator/transformer appeared when I got home.We have a sub power station at the end of the little green and I guess this is a replacement unit so a power cut expected soon.