The morning was cold,just hovering around freezing but the wind had dropped so I got layered up and wandered over the bridge to do a little shopping. There wasn't much about to photograph but I did get a ship on full zoom leaving port.
I Googled it when I got home,photo and description below.

I did my normal Sunday run in town, first stop Morrison's for my pipe fodder and as I left to go to B&M I bumped into Brian,an old drinking pal. We played darts in the same team for a while back in the late 70s. He is one of life's natural funny men, always ready to make you smile. We walked together for a little way before he veered off to go home,it was nice meeting him again for the first time in a few months.

I stocked up with fat balls,seed and nuts for the birds in B&M before heading for Cool-trader where I picked a few bargains up before heading for the bus stop. I sat people watching for 10 minutes or so before my ride home turned up which is always fun.

I had just got home and had some lunch when my daughter Ellen appeared . She stayed an hour or so giving me the low down on all the news before heading off to see my son Stephen. They are heading back over Ellen's way to have a couple of beers together.

Now the house is all quiet again,I have the washing machine humming away, a coffee in front of me and am waiting for the egg chasers to start on the goggle box. Scotland v Ireland is today's game it should be an easy win for the men in green but you can never be sure. Here is a photo of the ship I mentioned,a very sophisticated craft it seems.
Have fun folks catch you soon. Click photo for larger sizes

Rockwater 1
is a diving vessel
featuring an 18-man* single bell
saturation dive system consisting of three
chambers and a hyperbaric lifeboat.
Length 98m x breadth 18m
Deck area 550m²
120t crane
18-man* single bell saturation dive system
1 x observation class ROV