On a cold blustery day the fireside is the best place so I layered up and went for a walk instead. I had to pick my magic smarties up from the chemist anyway, so I just carried on from there down to the rugby field for some shots of the fells. Black Combe is clear of snow again but the Lake district fells still have a covering.
I left there and wandered along the promenade wending my way home the long way round. Beside the sea in was bitterly cold as you would expect so I only lingered long enough to take a photo of an old wrecked boat,it looked very forlorn sat there slowly rusting away.
Cutting through by the allotments I passed what is usually a grazing field at the bottom of my street,no grazing there at the moment it is another victim of all the rain we have had in the last 12 months. Still a couple of curlews were enjoying the bonus of a fresh feeding spot.
It wasn't a long walk only just over 2 miles but that was plenty long enough to be in the biting northerly wind.

Walking back up the street I stopped for a brief chat with Bimbo. He was in his porch peering out. I told him it was lovely down the channel side and he should go for a stroll. He said I was telling fibs to get him cold. As if I would.

Back home now with a mug of chicken soup I am nice and cozy and toasty warm.
Click here for photos