Like many of you I sometimes wonder who the phantom callers are.You know the ones who read a blog or look at photos but never leave a message. That puzzles me as this is a social site so what reasons could there be?
Are they sneaking a few moments on the works computer to do a little surfing to see whats what ? Are they tucked up snug in bed doing the same until sleep comes or maybe grabbing a few minutes quiet when the kids are off to school before they start the chores of the day? Are they shy about giving their details out? or just plain nosy? or maybe they are too lazy to type a little note. Strange behaviour it seems but whatever floats their boat as the saying goes.

My one and only contribution to the seemingly never ending obsession with Christmas comes from a neighbour and her young child. The child apparently sent her letter to Santa Claus in an email. Why do I find that any stranger than the letters my sister and I used to throw up the chimney? after all chimneys are thin on the ground nowadays so I guess it's another example of progress. Maybe thin of the ground is the wrong description but you get my drift.
Time for a coffee catch you later.