A busy day today I have my new desktop computer up and running.When I had my old one patched up for the umpteenth time the idea was to have it as my main computer again and then the laptop could do what it was designed for being portable. Due the the age of my old machine,it had Windows 2000 installed when I got it,this has not been possible. The CPU isn't up to the jobs that I am asking it to do nowadays and the Bios battery is on it's last lap around the block. These problems can be solved of course but it is not a good investment. So with money I had saved for another refurb job in the house I bought myself a new machine.The refurb is not urgent so that is on hold,not unusual with my jobs.

Now I am back to my large monitor and I have plenty of speed to play with and no more cursing at the tiny built in controls of the lap top,that will now be used for watching the cricket etc in the garden come summer providing we get one next year of course. I have external keyboard and mouse for the laptop and a set of external speakers which means in effect I have been using a desktop machine with a small screen which seemed silly as the office chair is the only one I can sit on in comfort for any length of time and with the attachments the laptop is not portable without unplugging stuff.

Changing stuff over is not the chore it was either, I got all my bookmarks and Firefox add ons over at the click of the sync button and the same with my docs,photos and videos etc. It's a long time since I had to transfer stuff and it was a pain now it's a pleasure so I am ready for action again with more elbow room,I do like a lot of elbow room.

This job became more urgent when last night and again this morning the lap screen did an impression of modern art painted by a demented parrot, a waterfall of bright and exotic colours.
That's me off to eat then play some more,I'll catch up soon. Stay warm folks