Summer is trying to get a thing with photos going so why don't you pop along and have a look and maybe give her some ideas for subjects. It is a similar thing to the one Jilly did only there seems to be more of a leaning to other people's work if you can't sort a photo of your own. So get along there and see what's what you never know you might like it.
I won't be taking part myself because of my contacts there are only two or three interested in photography and very few visitors to my photos can be bothered to look past the first one in the gallery and even fewer comment so I am not sure there is enough interest to get and keep it running. I hope I am proved wrong it was a really good part of daily life on Multiply but as an example here is a photo I took which I thought was the perfect thing for such a shoot. you may wonder what the mysterious objects in the sky are until you realise that sky is in fact the sea. A little different you see,I thought maybe of interest, wrong on both counts, 4 visits and I comment off Jenny.
So go along and see Summer help her make it a success and click away for fun it costs nothing.