Gracie's favorite articles

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  • Jenny latest

    I just had a message,Jenny is doing well and hopes to be home later today

  • First bit of rain for a few days......

    Pippin looking very handsome
    Typical - we were going to cut the lawn yesterday, but neither of us felt well enough to do so, so we promised to do it today - it's been raining all day!!!!!!!!!! The first rain we've had for a week. We couldn't do it on Monday because we had visitors, nor Tuesday because we had to go to Exeter, nor Wednesday because we had a trip to the doctors - so Thursday was earmarked for the cutting of the grass. So here we are Friday and it's all wet, meaning we can't cut the damn grass!!!! Never mind -…

  • Extreme

    Well, we’ve had some extreme weather here and no mistake. Recently, we’ve had 2 weather warnings, I did some shopping to be safe, and it came to nothing. This time, I did just a little top up shop, and we’re now snowed in. I have bread in the freezer but running low on milk and I don’t have any eggs or fresh meat. Oh well, I’ll manage and there’s quite a bit of food in the freezer and there’s always pasta. As I’m typing, the power has dipped, twice. OMG. I was having a long weekend off from vis…

  • Happy Birthday Jenny

    Today I wish a very Happy Birthday to my dear friend Jenny,the best pal a fella could have

  • Got out and it wasn't raining!!!!!!!!!

    The tide is out and the sun just seems to be on the other side
    I had to go to the doctor's surgery Monday morning to have my dressings changed. Usually it's either Anne or Yvonne who drive me, but on Monday both were away and so I drove myself. Oh it was good being able to do what I wanted. Well I had the dressings changed and I must say - it's looking much better, not so angry. The pharmacy had delivered a crate full of bandages etc early in the morning to my home - hells teeth, how long do they think this leg is going to take to repair itself. I'm also t…

  • She's home!!!!!!

    2 days after the op and already out in the air
    Wow they certainly move fast in Turkey. Mandi had that major operation on Tuesday and she's already home today!!!! She sent me this picture to show me how much better she feels. I've already drummed it into her about taking things very slowly to allow her body to recuperate. Obviously the doctor has had the results of the path lab swabs, and they must be clear or else she wouldn't have been allowed home so soon. Now I can relax and breathe out! Am starting on the soft toy for my gr…

  • Time to stop being lazy

    I have been going through a lazy spell of late but sorting cables out a couple of days ago kick started me into action.This was the spare room. The small box room upstairs used to be a tidy little storage area until Ellen came home. Since then it has been getting worse with Colin adding to the pile. Now they have a house with plenty of space they are going to move their stuff out. I thought I would give the a jolly along by getting all their stuff together and putting it into main spare roo…

  • A stroll in the sunshine

    Today is day 4 of our mini heatwave,temps up to 80f by midday again but I feel the change coming,the air is not as fresh but more muggy and we have rain forecast for the early hours.Oh well it was good while it lasted if it does go. I needed some cow juice this morning and it being a lovely morning I detoured to the grass lands and beach on the way. Not a big trip only a couple of miles or so but I was in the sort of terrain I love,nothing messed about by man here except for the path running al…

  • A better birthday could not be had

    Firstly thank you for you kind greetings,I have asked Ellen to write on my facebook page to the messages I have there as I don't have enough hours in my day to answer all the people the who pop up if I go on. This morning started wonderfully,it was very warm by 8am sp I took a slow stroll to town for my shopping. By the time I returned it was really warm so it was T shirt,shorts and sandals and into the garden. Ellen was the first visitor as usual and she brought me a presentation box of stro…

  • Happy birthday to my best mate - our Mickey

    My favourite
    I wanted to wish Mickey a wonderful birthday today. He is by far my very best friend who has seen me through some horrific times and listens patiently to my woes - I'm am so very honoured that he has chosen me to be his friend. So Mickey - Happy Happy Birthday sweetie.... Love from me xxxxxxx

  • A stroll on a pleasant day

    The sun wasn't cracking the pavements in facts it spent a lot of time in hiding but the temps were good and with little breeze it was a perfect day for a stroll. I decided to revisit the Little Haven hoping to find plants in flower and I did.After stroll around taking a few snaps I sat by the channel side and watched the world go by for a while,a very nice way to spend a morning. I caught sight of the advertising trailer parked by the main road and it gave me a chuckle. The rest of t…

  • Working in the sunshine

    Today I awoke to a thick sea mist,with the weather we were forecast that was a good omen and so it proved. I was out cutting and strimming the front grass by 9:20 and finished at 9:55 a nice easy job with the grass just really needing a tidy. After a break I took a look at the back,the planters were on the right hand side so the idea was to cut the left and move the planters over,reversing the process next time. This worked very well and I had everything done,tools cleaned and put away and pa…

  • A sad time for all

    I have taken a couple of days off blogging,my way of showing solidarity with the victims of the lastest evil bomb attack The country is on critical terrorist alert and expecting more attempts at mindless violence

  • A gentle stroll through the lanes up to the beach

    Another lovely day and feeling refreshed after my morning wamr up I headed down to the village and up Thorney Lane to the beach. There wasn't much in the way of action. just horses,cows and sheep grazing a sight that makes me feel very contented. As I cut up Thorney a little dog came up wagging the whole of his body instead of just his tale it seemed. He was very excitable but appeared to be alone,I couldn't see anyone around until a fella came down the path to stabes shouting him. He was soon…

  • Well that all done,for now

    I have finally cracked the last part of my mini jungle,a long job bit I enjoy nothing better than working outside so it was fun. With the sun shining down I managed to get my laundry out and dried on the whirly. I took a snap of John's blossom over the fence it's looking good

  • Managed a sunset at last.......

    The tide is coming in slowly
    I went out last night - it looked as if it would be a good sunset and as I hadn't been out for a sunset for ages, I decided to go for it! I drove down to the same place in West Appledore as I'd been the other day. I would be facing the sunset and it was somewhere where I could park my car easily and it was a different view.... It was a tad chilly, although no wind, you could still feel that it wasn't a balmy night!!!! The tide was coming in, and the water was like a millpond - so calm…

  • That was hot

    After ysterdays mix of mist heavy rain and a little sun today came as a surprise. I awoke to sun and it stayed all day reaching 30.4c in my sheltered back garden this afternoon. I could have done with cutting and strimming the grass but it was much to nice a day to spend working. I had breakfast and lunch in the garden under the parosol with the cats joining me for some shelter. Others in the area must have had the same idea because there was no sounds of garden tools all day,a little piece of…

  • Am back home...........

    Hiya folks, this is just a short and sweet visit. Well the news is good in the fact that the operation is over and I haven't had another stent put in, so that should mean no more operations and I can now start to get better. Like last time though, I'm still feeling very weak and still in pain. So it may be a while before I can come back in full strength, so please bear with me. I hope things are good with you all. See you soon x

  • Thanks to all of you who have been wishing me well....

    I am sorry to have stayed away so long, but I do get so tired very easily and this damn pain is really getting me down. My date for the operation is 2nd March, which is next week. They are going to take the stent out of my kidney and hopefully clear away the stones and the infection. They have already warned me that it's quite possible that they'll put another stent in to keep the tubes open, hence they won't get blocked again, but after 6 weeks they have to take them out, so that means this pal…

  • Jenny's garden

    I am fighting fit today after a couple of days resting. Yesterdays rain means I can't start sorting the garden out so I started sorting the photos from Devon instead. These are a few photos of Jenny's garden I snapped,pretty I think you will agree. Album here I'll catch up later I'm off to see the baby

63 articles in total