Gracie's articles

  • We are in for a wicked day today!

    - 18 Sep 2012 - 6 comments
    Seems we have another nasty storm coming thru today. I've made it to work with it just a tad wet. But the weather people (who are only wrong when it's good news) are saying it's going to get quite nasty out a bit later. Heavy rain, wind and thunderstorms. Anywhere from 1-4 inches of rain is expected. That's a big difference but they say the rain will go from this morning thru the night. Biggest problem for me is the route I take home from work. It's never been a great road as the traffic is…

  • I'm back and here's a second try!

    - 16 Sep 2012 - 2 comments
    I wrote earlier but lost the whole blog! I Hate when that happens! So the week at the beach was lovely. Weather was awesome after the first night. 80 degrees Fahrenheit and mostly sunny with a warm breeze every day... Again after the first day, the water became calm..My daughter Amanda and her friend were down the first weekend. Then during the week my brother Nick, sister in law Carol, niece Nichole and her toddler, Tessa Grace came to the house twice. They live fairly close by where I was st…

  • Just a quick note to let you know

    - 08 Sep 2012 - 1 comment
    I will be going on vacation to the Jersey Shore tomorrow. We will return in a week.. Sooo things will be quiet on my end.. I'm just hoping for some nice sunny weather for the week! See you all then!

  • Keep an open mind..

    - 31 Aug 2012 - 1 comment
    I've been promising Sue I would write about this for a while. There is a certain fascination with ghosts and/or the supernatural or powers that seem supernatural. I have had a some experience with this of my own. There are several tales to tell but I will start with the first. Mind you this first is actually here say as I was just a bit of a child, maybe 3-4 years old and don't remember myself at all. I had at the time 2 brothers and one sister. My oldest brother Nicky had joined the air for…

  • A tad better today..

    - 30 Aug 2012 - 3 comments
    Well today I am a little less cranky.. Which really is nothing much short of a small miracle considering.. Meaning that I couldn't sleep last night so read until 1 a.m. My stomach was and is bothering me.. I have a miserable headache that just won't go.. Oh I do sound whiny don't I? Well, the plus is I haven't bitten anyones head off today. (I did have a taste of chocolate!) There's only one more day of work this week and that's a short day ending at 2. It's Labor day weekend here in the States.…

  • I feel so cranky!

    - 29 Aug 2012 - 4 comments
    Not really sure why. The weather is lovely today.. I got nearly a full nights sleep. But yesterday and today I just want to bite someones head off! No particular reason. But it sure would feel good! Probably not the best company today.. I sometimes wonder what makes one day different than another. I'm not a little kid anymore and I've passed the stage of wild hormones for the most part..But one good thing when I'm in this mood, I get thru the difficult people! Not many can stand in my way and g…

  • I feel so inadequate!

    - 26 Aug 2012 - 3 comments
    I've just been perusing some of your photos.. My goodness they are unbelievable! So totally beautiful and professional looking! Normally I just post the little pics of things around me. My family, garden, etc.. Some of them are so good they look like you could sell them and make good money too! Well, more power to you all! I am enjoying them immensely! Keep on posting!

  • Chased by a bull!

    - 25 Aug 2012 - 2 comments
    Well not really quite all that dramatic.. But it did seem so at the time. I was reading Sue's story about her neighbors Bull getting lose once again. And it reminded me of back when I was pregnant with my daughter.. She's 28 now so you know it's a bit of a while.. We'd flown to California in June of that year to visit my husbands friend Alan and also my husbands mother's other son. (We no longer speak to him. Nor will my husband refer to him as his brother. Thats another story) Alan lived in F…

  • Starting Early

    - 23 Aug 2012 - 2 comments
    Just bought my first Christmas present.. Yes this is truly early for me and for most. But this year starting in November we will be living on just my income and our savings. We aren't eligible for Ricks pension for a few more years. So I want to get some things bought and put away before money gets a little tight. Not that it will be a problem. We will be doing a sort of reverse savings. We put money away the last couple of years just for this. Enough till the pension etc kicks in. But I am trul…

  • Delta flight 15

    - 21 Aug 2012 - 2 comments
    checked with Completely true! It maybe a bit long but worth the reading... This is not political, it is about 9-11. I never thought about what was going on with all those flights that were stuck out of the country. This is a really interesting insight into what people can be capable of. Here is an amazing story from a flight attendant on Delta Flight 15, written following 9-11: "On the morning of Tuesday, September 11, we were about 5 hours out of Fr…

83 articles in total